February ended with a piece of news that shook up world literature: the books of Roald Dahl they were going to be rewritten so as not to offend sensibilities, adapting them to a more inclusive and gentle language for new generations. Finally the editor backtracked โwell, he will continue to edit the originals and offer a line from this new versionโ, although Ian Fleming’s books will be next.
The author of the most famous secret spy in cinema, james bond, will be revisited by “sensitive readers” so that Ian Fleming Publications – the company that owns Fleming’s literary rights – can release the thrillers in another language; as reported Deadline. The reasons are once again in the pursuit of inclusion.
In this way, books that range from Casino Royale A Octopus they will be affected after having replaced, especially, certain racial references that their chapters contain. It will be done so as not to disturb the sensibilities of 21st century readers, and it is scheduled for April 2023, coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the saga.
In each book there will be a notice informing about these developments: “This book was written at a time when terms and attitudes that modern readers might now find offensive were commonplace. A number of updates have been made to this edition, keeping as close to the original text as possible. and from the period in which it was written . . it develops”.
Undoubtedly, a step that could once again revolutionize readers around the world, who have already managed to paralyze that Roald Dahl’s corrected books were the only ones to be found in bookstores. It seems that those of Fleming will remain firmer in their decision, especially since they already have a release date in bookstores.
Even so, it doesn’t seem to affect the film’s bond, especially since it’s years ahead as an example of inclusion. Although the fact that the next 007 is black already seems impossible, those responsible for the cinematic saga have indeed moved their bullet points to give more importance to people of color – it must be remembered that in no time to diethe 007 that replaces Craig in his dump is blackโ; as well as the adaptation of the character to new times.
Once again, these changes put the question of language at the center of a media debate: Should a work be modernized so as not to hurt sensibilities, or does it end up affecting culture more than the originality of a story? Either way, it looks like Bond might be facing his toughest mission, which is not hurting himself with the changes that threaten Ian Fleming’s entire legacy.
To the saga james bond in its entirety is available on Prime Video.