Yes OK AuronPlay’s return to Twitch for Squid Craft Games 2 was a complete successsince it has to be the streamer with the most viewers on day one of the new Twitch Rivalscan’t be overlooked the reason he took a break from the purple platform (In my opinion, this was too serious and worrying a subject to act as if nothing had happened now, but what can you do about it…).

In all cases, the Catalan streamer is back And that, after all, is news. The fact is, as you well know, Auron has only been creating content for Twitch for a long time, leaving his YouTube channel without updates for a long time. (the videos are still there and you can visit them whenever you want, yes). In fact, he even stated that his channel was closed and there was no indication to reopen it. Also, it looks like it could change.

AuronPlay says it will upload videos to YouTube again

  • AuronPlay has only been using its secondary channel on YouTube for some time to reupload directly from Twitchand that may soon change.
  • During the time he’s been away from the purple platform, News was only known through his Discord serverwhere he published two press releases, and, precisely, in a new YouTube video to give the relevant explanations and apologize.
  • It seems that was enough for the insect to bite him again and he considered making more videos for YouTube, while continuing his daily activity on Twitchobviously.
  • SO, it looks like Auron will be uploading videos to his main YouTube channel againeven if they will not have a great frequency and it is not known when it will be the first than public.

Either way, this is important news for fans who discovered AuronPlay through its YouTube channel.

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