This is the same leaker who successfully revealed the Pokémon Scarlet and Purple DLC before its official announcement.

Over the past few months, much more has been said than usual about the next generation console nintendo, that for now in the community we know it, to understand each other, as Nintendo Switch 2. In fact, lately there are a lot of rumors about it.

Without going any further, I spoke to you yesterday about a rumor who ensured that This console was going to be announced yes or yes this year 2023, and there was even a chance it would come out in 2023 as well, which I’m a bit skeptical about.

In the article that I have just attached, you can read more information about everything that is currently known about Nintendo Switch 2. And I insist, this name is the one that the community has given it in a simple and simple way. temporary, from the next console nintendo It doesn’t have to be a sequel to Switch as such, but something totally new, like Switch was at the time compared to Wii U.

However, with the rumor that I am reporting to you today, yes the name could go in this direction. I leave you all the details below.

Nintendo Switch 2 won’t be just a switch review

They were companions of Leaks from the center those who echoed the rumor that started in 4ch. And yes, this portal is not known for hitting rumors, but this leak is from an insider who successfully leaked Pokémon Scarlet and Purple DLC, the community therefore relies on rumour.

  • He left some details about scarlet and purple pokemon being the most relevant 2024 there will be a second DLC of these games
  • But the most interesting thing is that talked about the next console nintendo
  • What is curious is that talks about it as “the next Switch model”, which ensures that This is not another revision, but a new generation
  • That would mean that the next console would follow the Nintendo Switch range, having very similar characteristics but with more power and better benefits

Of course, this is all just rumor, so it’s best to take it with a grain of salt. Of course, do you think nintendo Will it finally be announced this year or will it wait until 2024?

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