Perhaps you entered here because the name of the protagonist of this article caught your attention or because you have heard it before but want to know it even more deeply. Either way, you’re here to Kronno Zomber.

The artist from Malaga conquers an ever wider audience with his verses. He evolves on the rhythms of rap and hip hop, and his talent earned him more than 6 subscribers on YouTube and nearly a million on his Instagram account. But at LOS40 Urban we want to go further and that’s why we tackled it with our 40 question test. Meet Kronno Zomber:

1. Full name: Juan Ignacio Meira Arasmou.

2. Year and city of birth: 1992 Malaga.

3. What was your first contact with music? An MP3 was the reason to dump all the music and enjoy it.

4. When did you know you wanted to do it? At the age of 12 when I started to improvise.

5. The song you wish you had composed: a song with eminem

6. A music genre you would never get into: None, I like music in general.

7. A favorite artist and/or artist: Eminem, NF, werewolf…

8. The music you listened to at home as a child: Pops and raps.

9. A song you’re obsessed with right now: Day light by yellawolf.

10. The one you hate to hear right now: I don’t hate any.

11. Artist or artist you would like to collaborate with: Duki.

12. Is this a dream or a reality? I dream that it will come true.

13. The musician who is in your address book: Zarcort.

14. If you weren’t a singer, you would be… actor.

15. Music for you is… a way of life and relief.

16. Favorite hobby or sport: snowboard.

17. Why Kronno Zomber? Kronno because I love Greek mythology.

18. A moment in your life that you would like to repeat: the Movistar Arena concert in Argentina.

19. What you would say to little Kronno Zomber: do what pleases you.

20. The social network that hooks you the most: ICT Tac.

21. The social network that gives you the most laziness: Facebook.

22. Something you can’t stand that makes you sick: deception.

23. A phrase you repeat often: what’s up brother

24. Something about you that very few people know: I spend my money on useless collections.

25. A movie you love or that defines you: I love the saga of Harry Potter.

26. Something you suck at: cook.

27. Something (or someone) you’re obsessed with: with nobody.

28. Your personality: shy.

29. Your fondest childhood memory: trips with my parents.

30. A childhood toy (or game): mows it

31. What you miss: free time.

32. Something you regret: Spend little time with family and friends.

33. Your favorite word: boyfriend.

34. A mania: perfection.

35. Tattoos: I have several tattoos, some because they identify me, others for certain
reason to live like Change and others because I like them. About 20 tattoos.

36. A hidden pleasure (something you’re embarrassed to admit you like): I’m not ashamed to admit things.

37. Which of your songs are you most proud of having created? the one who is about to come out.

38. If you had to title your next song, it would be… Ice.

39. Track what you bring next. If it is about collaboration, index of the
artist: the track is Ice. It’s a collaboration with two artists: one from Malaga and a

40. If you weren’t Kronno Zomber and you met him, what would you think of him?
he? Difficult question, but you would know that at the point where you are now and
the journey he had is difficult, and with a lot of work and sacrifice.

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