Documents you must have in order if you are an immigrant in the U.S.

Due to the harsh immigration policies employed by the U.S. government, it is necessary to take into account the papers that you are required to present to the authorities.

As a result of the hostilities towards undocumented immigrants in the framework of the so-called “zero tolerance” policy of Donald Trump’s government, at any time an authority may request that a person identify himself.
In the case of being a migrant living without documentation in the United States, it is necessary to take into account which are the papers that will avoid problems with the immigration services.

Documents that all undocumented immigrants must present

Person or families who do not have documents

In the case of an individual or an entire family who does not have documents, you must present:

– Any identification that says who you are (identity card, driver’s license, municipal card, among others).

– Have your valid passport at hand.

– Matrícula consular: This is a document that proves nationality and identity, which certifies that the holder is duly domiciled and registered.

In case of being arrested, it is very important to take into account the following recommendations:

– Never present false documents

– Remember the telephone number of your lawyer or a relative.

– In case you do not have a lawyer, memorize the telephone number and address of immigrant help centers.

– Do not sign any document.

Mixed families without documents

If some members of your family are undocumented, but the children do have documents, it is very important to have the following in order:

– Valid passport from your country

– Consular registration

– School identification

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