He FFVII remake official Twitter account shared some details about the Moogle cape that Yuffie wears at the start of episode intermission. This is his first appearance in the FFVII remake continuity. Yuffie’s cape is moved using real-time processing in-game. The modeling process included recreating the item in real life and scanning it to produce the 3D model used in-game.

By having the cape as an actual item, the artists scanning and modeling it could manually adjust the shape and wrinkles as many times as needed to achieve the desired results. The artists managed to give Moogle’s hood a special worn and worn feel while maintaining the cuteness of the design.

You can check Yuffie’s details FFVII Remake Moogle’s middle layer in the gallery below.

Another information shared confirmed that the parameters of the original final fantasy 7 it was originally to be New York. This concept was probably reused in parasitic evewhich was published shortly after final fantasy 7.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is available for PS4, PS5 and PC. The PS5 and PC versions of the game are the FFVII Remake Intergrado versions, which include a bonus episode featuring Yuffie as the main character.

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