Watch Clive and Ifrit fight in footage from Final Fantasy XVI

now that final fantasy 16On the release of getting closer, Square Enix regularly shares details and images of the game on the official Twitter account. Many of these new clips focus on the main characters. For example, the last two final fantasy 16 the videos showed fights involving Clive and Ifrit.

The first footage appeared on April Fool’s Day. It involved Clive fighting the final fantasy 16 version of a salamander. The clip started with him using the Megaflare attack on him. This one was chained into a Zantetsuken, which finished off the opponent.

Next, here’s another look at Ifrit fighting an Eikon in final fantasy 16. This time it’s an attack on Titan. The sequence opens with Ifrit using a precision dodge to avoid Titan’s Geocrush attack, then performing a precision counter. Ifrit then uses Fireball Burst with a Burst Finish, then dodges another attack and counters again. The sequence ends with a Stomp and Pyrosault combination.

This is the second recent look at a fight involving Ifrit in the game. In late March 2023, Square Enix featured another match that involved attacking Typhon.

final fantasy 16 It will arrive on PS5 on June 22, 2023. There will be a six-month exclusivity period. Square Enix announced that the game went gold at the end of March 2023, which means it’s ready to ship.

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