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We’ve seen plenty of emulation projects run on Xbox Series X|S, largely thanks to the availability of the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) on both consoles. YouTuber Modern Vintage Gamer is often keen to show off some of these projects, and his latest video essentially attempts to turn an Xbox Series S into a period-appropriate Windows 98 gaming PC. Oh really!

MVG uses the RetroArch emulator here, with the ‘DOSBOX PURE’ kernel installed inside the emulator to replicate a gaming PC from the era. Everything is explained in the video above, and it looks great when operational.

To make everything feel even more authentic, the YouTuber connects his Xbox Series S to an old-school CRT monitor. This step seems a bit missed given that you have to dive into the emulator settings to enable a non-widescreen image, but the monitor certainly completes the ’98’ look!

As for how you can make this work? Well, it’s accessible through the console’s Dev Mode, which costs $20 to activate and is only for developers, so if you try this for yourself, it’ll be At your peril. MVG is a real developer though (he worked on the Quake remaster), so that’s an excuse for him to dive into all this!

What do you think of this Win98 configuration on the S series? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Ben is a fan of action, racing, and direct fire in every video game he can get his hands on. When he’s not playing, Ben spends his time listening to too many Guns N’ Roses, watching football, and probably eating somewhere.

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