Valheim’s next update, Hildir’s Quest, promises to bring plenty of useful new tools to the co-op Viking survival game, and the game’s lead developer shares a clip of a very welcome addition that will make sorting through all your beautiful booty. .quickly in the future. .

Whether it’s hunting meat, a selection of your spare tools, large piles of black marble from the Valheim Mistlands biome, or valuable trophies earned from defeating the toughest bosses in each zone, stocking up on your materials and your treasures is essential. After all, you only have limited inventory space to store things!

If you’re anything like me, you’ll be incredibly meticulous about placing each item in its place and making sure you match items of a certain type together. However, trying to keep track of what goes where and keeping everything in the right vault can take a bit of time, so this latest update is great news.

Senior Valheim developer Jonathan Smårs shares the new “stack everything” feature on Twitter, which is expected to be included in the Hildir’s Quest patch. This is a feature that will be familiar to many fans of other sandbox games like Terraria, and it will instantly drop everything from your inventory into the chest if there is already at least one of these items stored there. .

Smars confirm that the function “will try to make all stacks of whatever is already in the trunk if there is enough space”, so it will take everything in your inventory as long as it can fit in the trunk. Now all we need is the ability to quickly stack directly from our inventories to all nearby chests at once, Terraria style. Jonathan, if you’re reading this, please consider this my kind request!

Either way, this is a fantastic quality of life addition that will no doubt be very well received by the community. Hildir’s Quest will launch before Valheim’s next biome, Ashlands, and includes the addition of difficulty settings and a new Valheim helmet configuration that lets you see your hair.

If you’re just starting out, take a look at our beginner’s guide to Valheim. If you’re a bit more of a veteran gamer, check out all the Vaheim console controls to get the most out of your adventure, and this Valheim cooking mod for plenty of Norse-themed delights.

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