Lily Gao, the actress behind Ada Wong in Resident Evil 4 Remake and the tie-in film RE Welcome to Raccoon City, has deactivated her Instagram profile after so-called fans of Capcom’s horror game series sent her messages. abusive messages regarding his performance in RE4. . Only one message remains visible on Gao’s profile, as Ada Wong is set to return for the Separate Ways DLC, which will be released after the Resident Evil 4 Mercenaries mode release date.

In the original Resident Evil 4, Ada Wong was played by Sally Cahill, who also played the character in 1998’s Resident Evil 2. Jolene Andersen reprized the role in the 2019 Resident Evil 2 remake, with Gao playing Ada Wong in life. -The 2021 action movie Welcome to Raccoon City, and completes the cast of Resident Evil 4 Remake.

Gao was set to reprise the role for the Netflix series Resident Evil, until it was canceled after just one season. Your Instagram profile now contains a single post from 2020, with everything else set to private. In an interview with YouTube channel Geek Network on March 29, Gao described playing Ada Wong as an “honor”.

“I admire him, even though he’s a fictional character,” Gao says. “She’s so, so cool and mysterious, and I really, really love her. It’s really the fans who bring the characters that they have to life.”

A recent Resident Evil 4 Remake datamine revealed that Separate Ways, Ada Wong’s dedicated campaign from the original RE4, is set to arrive as DLC after the Mercenaries mode was added in April. While Gao has likely already recorded the dialogue for the snap, it’s currently unconfirmed if she will stay on as Ada Wong.

Get all Resident Evil 4 Remake unlocks to help you with pro mode and new game plus. If you’re fighting the Regenerators, you’ll also want all of the Resident Evil 4 Remake power puzzle solutions, so you can open the lab doors and grab that LE5.

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