Wondering what you should be playing on Sony’s new PlayStation VR2 headset? We’ve put a dozen PSVR2 launch games through their paces to see what it’s all about. Let’s do it!

PSVR2 Exclusive Solitaire

Horizon: The Call of the Mountain

Developer: Firesprite, Guerilla | Publisher: Sony | $59.99
PSVR2 Exclusive

Perhaps solely responsible for carrying out the PSVR2 launch, call of the mountain It’s probably on most gamers’ shopping list. In this document, you explore the world of Horizonte mainly by climbing and shooting arrows. If you’re not already in love with the world, there’s less to love. Part of the joy of the game is seeing the creatures pass by or meeting Aloy. It’s a nice environment even without context, but that context has a clear value.

Other than that, though? This is a game about grabbing things. The climbing mechanic, by virtue of still limited technology, feels more like dragging the world around you. This means you generally feel safe, which should help a lot with playing comfortably! But still, it makes for longer climbing sequences… well, a real pain in the ass. slide. The swing feels better, so we like that part. But the main problem with the tour is that everything is very scripted. it’s true with Horizonte correct, and really, with Sony’s own development as a whole. But with a game focused on scaling, we’d like to be able to feel like we’re solving problems.

Archery is unsurprisingly a strength for the game, as virtual reality has repeatedly proven its expertise in replicating it. We’re still not good at archery, which is also accurate in the real world! But it always feels good. And the game usually doesn’t throw you a ton in a row.

call of the mountain he wants to be very serious with his storytelling, but he also puts instruments, paint and stuff everywhere so you can have fun. You are certainly not alone in this tactic; we see it a lot in virtual reality games. But it works better in a multiplayer context. On your own, this nonsense seems a bit out of place and takes you out of the dive.

The prestigious reissues of PSVR2 games

Star Wars: Tales from the Edge of the Galaxy

Developer: ILMxLAB | Publisher: Disney | $49.99
Also in search

It’s legitimately cool to hang out in star wars virtual reality environments, and Tales from the Edge of the Galaxy it knows well. While we wish we could spend more time in recognizable settings from the movies and shows, the game’s main focus is on the most represented area at Disney theme parks. The game originally released on Oculus platforms in 2020 and is escaping its exclusivity with this port.

edge of the galaxy it tells most of its story using theme park techniques such as video screens and characters behind counters. (Which makes sense, given the game’s origins!) This allows them to present things the way they want without worrying about something breaking, but it leads to a limited amount of meaningful interactions.

Rez Infinite / Tetris Effect: Connected

Developer: Enhance, Resonair, Monstars, Stage Games | Editor: Improve | $29.99 / $39.99
Also on PSVR, PC, Quest

Although not new, the two Ground floor there tetris effect Benefit greatly from the increased immersion and tracking resolution of the new headset. Ground floor adds eye tracking to its suite of control options, and we really liked what it added to the game.

tetris effect It lets you configure the new Sense controllers for gaming, but we’ve tried it and can’t recommend the standard controller enough. This game needs a D-pad and super precise movements and timing. Always: we love it tetris effect in VR, so whatever you can get it, do it.

Moss/Moss: Book II

Developer: Polyarc | Publisher: Polyarc | $19.99 / $29.99 / Both for $39.99
Also on PSVR, PC, Quest

He Mousse The game is kind of the gold standard for seated VR experiences. They’re designed to look around in diorama-like environments, helping a little mouse friend navigate and solve puzzles. While not a masterpiece for much of the PSVR2’s technology, they do benefit from the added fidelity of the headset. Vivid high-resolution displays and better tracking allow for a smoother viewing experience. What if this was your first foray into virtual reality? It’s a good time to try out one of the most important franchises in the business.

playstation vr2 what is it?

psvr2 toys

What the hell?

Developer: Triband | Publisher: Tribande | $24.99
Also on PC, Quest

people behind What golf?, this sequel takes a similar approach with bats instead of a golf club. It’s really fun, and even if it doesn’t quite happen the same way as Golf?, that’s as close as virtual reality gets right now. If you are looking for a masterpiece of new technology, this game is not for you; it was certainly designed from the ground up to run well on even the cheapest hardware, but it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for a laugh.

sprawling psvr2


Developer: Firepunchd | Editor: Back | $24.99
Also on PC, Quest

A similar concept is tentacle, which gives you tentacle arms instead of bat arms. His challenges are a bit longer, and that means more into the physical antics of something like human drop plane oh Octoda What Bat?The scripted sight gags of . It’s probably more fun with an audience, because you can have a great time watching someone struggle with bulky appendages. There’s enough creativity in the game’s puzzle solving to keep us coming back too.


Developer: Fog Box | Publisher: Yogscast Games | $14.99
Also on PSVR, PC, Quest

This audience is especially true with our latest entry in the category. beginners it’s the kind of game for people who like to feel overwhelmed. It’s not us, exactly? You’re a bartender in space, as you’d probably guess, and you basically have to perform tasks in sequence using machines around you. Accuracy and speed are tough in VR, and keeping track of abstract symbols and the like can be a good thing. But it’s a popular genre, and it would probably make a good streaming game.

Alto cosmonioso

Developer: Owlchemy Laboratories | Publisher: Owlchemy Laboratories | $29.99
Also on PC, Quest

Known for its successful miniature playgrounds in work simulator y holiday simulator, Owlchemy Labs has quickly mastered the art of virtual reality laughter. With Alto cosmonioso, the studio has moved from creating ideal first VR experiences to something with a bit more depth and variety. We find endearing characters, fun little challenges, and plenty of opportunities to show creativity and personality. At first it seems like child’s play, but it’s fun for all ages.

best playstation vr2 games sea garden

Other Notable PSVR2 Games

sea ​​garden

Developer: Neat Corporation | Publisher: Neat Corporation | $24.99
Also on PC, Quest

The only game in our PlayStation VR2 roundup that lets you scratch cute animal friends, sea ​​garden seeks to offer a similar appeal to the animal crossing but with a focus on VR presence. It’s based on gameplay that wouldn’t necessarily be compelling outside of VR: base crafting and collecting and so on. But in virtual reality? Works. It’s about meeting friends! And complete tasks to make your friends happy! And then meet new friends!

Many VR games choose to create detailed worlds just to make the most of the landscape. We prefer experiences like Garden to ensure that what is there has purpose and presence.

psvr2 game demo


Developer: Solving Games | Publisher: Solving Games | $39.99
Also on PC, Quest

Demoo is one of those games that understands the value of presence. Its gameplay is pretty straightforward, and it’s been done before: board-style dungeon battles. But looking around and playing with the parts is compelling, and the controls and implementation here are pleasing.

It will always be a challenge to do traditional gaming stuff in VR, as it will inevitably be compared to non-VR titles with a lot more content and depth. That’s true here, of course, but we enjoyed our time. We’d like heavy character customization and longer campaigns in the future, but sacrifice a bit of both in the name of accessibility and it’s probably the right choice.

Warning: Looking down for a long time with any helmet hurts your neck and DemooThe tabletop action does it full time. If you plan to play an entire campaign with friends, take time to take breaks.

Tale of Onogoro

Developer: Amata KK | Publisher: Amata KK | $34.99
Also on PSVR, PC, Quest

We understand that Siliconera audiences might be particularly interested in Tale of Onogoro, a PSVR2 launch title that stands out for its anime aesthetic. In it, you interact with a young woman chained to a rock as your moves and her abilities solve puzzles.

Still, we’re not sure exactly who would be excited about the resulting game. Most of the time you’re just dragging stuff around so it’s not a good game to play. What if you were there for the anime? It doesn’t change much to the format. Say what you want summer lessonbut he used the VR presence effectively. Onogoro it uses stiff animation and even stiffer voice acting to show a character close to you, without actually feeling there or interactive.

psvr2 games the tale of onogoro

There are more PlayStation VR2 titles on the way! What if we think you’ll like them? We will give them a chance for you. By now, we hope to have given you a good idea of ​​the launch lineup.

The PlayStation VR2 is available to purchase now for $549.99 through the PlayStation Direct site. For more on Siliconera’s PSVR2 game coverage, including a hardware review, check out our archive.

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