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Gambling too much and sitting at the PC for too long without getting enough exercise in your everyday life can, as is well known, have some serious health consequences. Back problems, stiff neck, poor blood circulation in the legs, impaired vision and other negative effects on physical well-being are threatened.

Broken bone

Broken bones, on the other hand, are not that high on the list of dangers. Logically, if you sit still, you can’t break anything. Or? The youtuber and streamer Inscope21 recently proved the opposite and broke his hand while gambling. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, the whole scene was also recorded.

The 26-year-old did it during a live stream on Twitch. In front of thousands of spectators he was playing Call of Duty, where he lost in a 1on1 and was shot down. Most CoD players should be aware that in such a situation you are sometimes not completely under control and have to let out your anger.

Unfortunately, Inscope chose to hit his desk with his fist. Obviously he hit a little too hard or held his hand incorrectly, because he injured himself so badly when he hit the tabletop that he could not continue playing.

Metacarpal fracture

When he tries to move his fingers, he notices that his little finger is automatically pulling inwards and does not do what he wants. A fan from the chat writes that he probably suffered a metacarpal fracture. Inscope initially makes fun of this statement and jokes that his viewer is probably working in the emergency room if he can diagnose it that easily.

And of course it came as it had to come. The Youtuber and entrepreneur was in the hospital, took an X-ray and indeed a metacarpal fracture was found. The metacarpal bone that leads to the little finger is broken. So next time maybe try a stress ball before breaking your hand while gambling ..

Here you can see the video

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