As Chapter 4 Season 1 draws to a close, Fortnite tasks players with not just completing the Cipher Challenges, but also the puzzles within them. Instead of giving a description for each challenge, their “cryptic” missions simply list a series of numbers, and you must solve their letters to make sense of your goal. This guide will look at what are the Crypto Cipher missions in Fortnite and how they can be solved.

How to Do the Crypto Crypto Missions in Fortnite

Until March 7, a new Cipher Cipher mission can be completed in Battle Royale, although each should have a different code. For example, the first of these challenges is only listed below: “” It is unconfirmed at the time of writing how these numbers can be translated, as matching each letter to its respective number in the alphabet (like 1=A, 2=B, etc.) just results in nonsense.

However, it looks like players may have subtracted each number from the code provided by Fortnite’s Twitter before the challenges were posted: “”. Once done, the result of each number must be translated into its respective letter. In doing so, the equation coincidentally spells out a named location on the map. As shown below, you can use this method during the first cryptic challenge to spell Anvil Square.

  • 1 – 0 = 1, 1 = AND
  • 17- 3 = 14, 14 = north
  • 23 – 1 = 22, 22 = V
  • 9 – 0 = 9, 9 = years
  • 14 – 2 = 12, 12 = L
  • 19 – 0 = 19, 19 = S
  • 19 -2 = 17, 17 = Q
  • 24 – 3 = 21, 21 = U
  • 1 – 0 = 1, 1 = AND
  • 21 -3 = 18, 18 = R
  • 6 -1 = 5, 5 = E

Once the location is determined, players should take a look at the quest’s subtext. For the first Encrypted Cipher challenge, it suggests you should “Inspect the wall…under the building this at…”, and this equation fills in the rest. In addition to the Cipher challenges, players will also need to figure out in the Oathbound questline, the first objective of which is to decipher the coordinates of the Rift Gate.

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