Destiny 2 has plenty of cosmetic options that players can mix and match to their heart’s content, including a host of emotes that are arguably some of the most impressive you’ll find in games. In this case, Bungie has literally taken the old insult/joke of touching grass and added an emote that makes your character literally touch grass. If you want to participate in the joke, we have prepared this little guide to tell you how to enter this emote.

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Where to Get the Touch Grass Emote in Destiny 2

Getting this emote is simple compared to other Destiny 2 tasks and items. First, you’ll need to get Cash, the in-game currency for Destiny 2 that you can buy with real money. You’ll need 1000 to buy the emote, which will cost you around £8/$10. You will also receive an additional 100 silver coins for free, which you can save for later.

Next, you’ll want to head to the Eververse Shop, which is in the courtyard of the tower, and talk to Tess Everis, the vendor who handles silver currency and microtransactions. The emote will be in the Season 20 Week 1 featured items, so you can choose it from there. However, if you’re reading this after that, you’ll want to head to the store’s archives page, and after scrolling around a bit, you should be able to find the emote somewhere in the menus. You’ll be able to preview the emote first to see what it does, which makes your character sit on a lush CGI lawn with butterflies flying around them as they sit back and relax . If you decide you want it, buy it and equip it through your inventory and you’re done.

Once you’ve finished visiting the store and emote, you can start working on some of the new content in Destiny 2: Lightfall, including learning about new Strand subclasses and their unique abilities, like Woven Mail, get the new Terminal Overload. keys to unlock more loot and play through the game’s new campaign mission.


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