In the age of digital downloads, you can have any game available in seconds. Whether you install them directly to your hard drive, save them as a backup, or access them from the cloud, you can start them pretty quickly. However, there may come a time when digital content becomes a problem, in the case of PlayStation error code WS-116521-6. If you see the message, here’s how to fix it.

How to Fix Error Code WS-116521-6

The message may appear when trying to access a game. It is caused by a bug in the PSN and can be resolved by performing the following tasks. The first thing you need to do is reset your internet connection settings through your PlayStation console. Once the reset is complete, you’ll want to run an internet connection test through the console. If that doesn’t fix the problem, continue to the next step.

Disconnecting your router and modem is your next bet to potentially resolve the error code. After both devices turn off, wait about five minutes before turning them back on. If you notice that the error message persists, try disconnecting the router and modem again. The line is probably temporarily busy.

Related: How to Fix Playstation Party Chat Network Error

The problem is a bug with the PSN server. The message is related to a license issue on the network and he thinks the players don’t have access to the game they are trying to play. If the process does not work for you, try going to the official PlayStation website to check the PSN status. You can also access support through the site. You can also check out this list of all PlayStation errors to find out exactly what they are and how to fix them if you encounter them.


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