One of fire emblem heroes The 6th anniversary events were an A Hero Rises 2023 character vote and a Gauntlet vote. Now, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have revealed the eight main characters who will be participating. It is overwhelmingly made up of colorless and red units, with two versions of Edelgard making it into the top eight.

Here is the official announcement.

After the A Hero Rises 2023 Voting Challenge is completed, the winning character will be awarded to each fire emblem heroes free. The first four will appear in a special summon event. In the 2022 event, this resulted in an “all green” banner allowing people to easily earn the five-star Focus Units.

Here are the top eight characters of this year, sorted by color.

  • Colorless: Edelgard: Hegemon Husk, Fomortiis: Demon King and Robin: Fell Tactician
  • Rojo: Camilla: Midnight Bloom, Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo, Edelgard: Empress of the Sun, Ophelia: Starlit Maiden and Veronica: Princess Rising

fire emblem heroes It is available for Android and Apple iOS devices.

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