Square Enix has added new optional items to the FFX IV Mog Station Online Store, and among them is the new Ceruleum Balloons mount. It looks like a bunch of balloons carrying a character across the sky. It joined two new Valentine’s Day items, as well as a sale of old items celebrating Valentine’s Day. FFX IV Valentine’s Day event.

cerulean globes FFX IV The mount is an account item that all of your characters can use. It costs $24. The character wearing it appears to be holding a bunch of colorful balloons, which feature mascots such as Chocobos, Moogles, and Cactaurs, as they float through the sky.

This is what the balloon cluster assembly looks like from the front and back.

1675961081 377 FFXIV Ceruleum Balloons Mount lets you fly while holding a

Here’s a video showing what it looks like when player avatars of different races use the FFXIV Cerulean balloon mount. Highlights balloon animations.

The two new Valentines FFX IV Items dress up your home and Chocobo. There’s an authentic $5 Valentinee mobile with multicolored hearts to mount on the wall of a house. There’s also $7 Postmoogle Barding that makes a Chocobo look like a postman.

FFXIV Authentic Mobile Valentine's Day

1675961082 375 FFXIV Ceruleum Balloons Mount lets you fly while holding a

As for sales, a series of clothes and furniture are reduced. People can get a $2.10 Lovely Moogle Cap or a $3.50 Kupka Kupp Deluxe Plush for their home. (The stuffed animal also resembles the lamp recreated in the real world.) People can also get various Valentione Attire outfits for the Dowry emote at lower than normal prices.

final fantasy xiv is available for PS4, PS5 and PC. Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day will take place at FFX IV until February 15, 2023.

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