With Apex Legends Ranked currently broken for many players in the battle royale game, developer Respawn has promised to fix the RP issues plaguing end-game rewards. If you noticed that your RP rewards differ significantly from what you expected in post-game reports, this issue will be resolved soon.
The promised fixes come as Respawn rolls out its Apex Legends Revelry update, which saw several RP inaccuracies plaguing players on the score report screen. You may have seen a zero RP score adjustment for a match or a massive negative RP drop, and Respawn wants to fix that.
The patch notes for the Apex Legends Revelry update notes a change to Apex Legends Ranked in FPS gameplay: Ranked Queue will now rotate on all in-game maps, but it’s unclear exactly what caused it. affected Apex rewards. I don’t feel like they would be the problem here. Below is what the Apex Legends Ranked issue may look like.
Respawn Apex Legends Ranked Fixes
Respawn says they’ve been “working behind the scenes” on these Ranked fixes, with more coming soon.
- You will no longer be wrongly downgraded.
- Respawn is still working on a visual bug that shows inaccurate RP loss.
- Respawn seeks to make a unique and exceptional RP restoration for players. More on this soon!
If you’re enjoying the latest Apex Legends update but want to find people more in tune with your playstyle and visiting schedule, we’ve got you covered with Teams.gg.
While you wait for that Apex Legends ranked patch, we’ve got you covered with a breakdown of all the Apex Legends characters and their abilities, the best Apex Legends skins, and finally, the current Apex Legends map as well.