Final Fantasy XIV’s Island Sanctuary feature has a lot of mysteries to solve when it comes to relaxing and enjoying the quiet life. Raising animals to craft materials is a big part of the Island Sanctuary experience, and Square Enix will be adding additional creatures to find over time. Raising these animals in your pasture will allow you to collect their remains daily for use in the workshop. Here is a list of all the animal remains from the Island Sanctuary in Final Fantasy XIV and the creatures they are looted from.

What pieces of the island sanctuary does each animal give in FFXIV?

When playing your island sanctuary, one of the first unlocks comes in the form of grazing. This allows you to breed any animals you catch in the wild and feed them daily to craft materials that are used in the workshop.

  • Tiers 1-3 can contain a total of 5 animals
  • At ranks 4-6, you can have a total of 10 animals
  • From 7 ranks, you can have a total of 20 animals (current maximum)

Related: All Rare Island Sanctuary Animals in Final Fantasy XIV and How to Get Them

There are a total of nine different animal remains split between different animals that you can capture on your island sanctuary. Each of these pets is guaranteed to give you a specific exit, and also has a small chance to give an exit bonus each day.

Match 100% occasional animals Bonus lucky animals
lana lost lamb
Twinklefleece (raro)
Isla Billy (raro)
Paradise Apkallu (rare)
Grumpy Karakul (Rare)
Money (raro)
Claw Yes yes
ground squirrel
Glyptodont (bottom)
Crocodile (rare)
Money (raro)
Glyptodon dog (rare)
lemur (rare)
Groundhog (rare)
Beach comb (rare)
Gobbu (raro)
griffin (rare)
For the doe of the island
lemur (rare)
Groundhog (rare)
deer (rare)
Yes yes
ground squirrel
Black Chocobo (rare)
Twinklefleece (raro)
Paradise Tiger (Rare)
Feather Paradise Dodo (Rare)
Black Chocobo (rare)
griffin (rare)
wild dodo
blue back
Egg wild dodo
blue back
Paradise Apkallu (rare)
Paradise Dodo (Rare)
Golden spine (rare)
carp glyptodont dog
amarillo elf (raro)
Beach comb (rare)
Morbol seedling (rare)
an elf
Glytodon (bottom)
Canine an elf
Gobbu (raro)
Paradise Tiger (Rare)
amarillo elf (raro)
Crocodile (rare)
Morbol seedling (rare)
Horn Isla Billy (raro)
Great Buffalo (Rare)
island nanny
deer (rare)
lick Pissing
island nanny
Grumpy Karakul (Rare)
lost lamb
doe of the island
Great Buffalo (Rare)

In order to acquire certain animals in this guide, you will need to rank up your island to unlock the ability to catch larger creatures. At rank 2, you can start catching small animals. Rank 6 unlocks the ability to hold medium-sized animals and Rank 8 unlocks large animals.

Feeding your pets grass improves their mood and increases the chance of getting the happiness-based bonus materials. For the greatest luck, you’ll want to feed each Premium Island Greenfeed animal once a day to keep their spirits up. The process of feeding your animals can be automated once you reach Rank 7 for a daily fee from Seafarer Cowries. This lets you log in and loot your match during the week instead of every day while keeping your spirits up.

Using Island Sanctuary correctly can net you a ton of Sea Cowries to spend on a variety of different cosmetics.


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