If there’s anything that makes One Piece stand out besides its entertaining story, it’s its excellent character design and one of the fan favorites is Nico Robin, which changes appearance in each story arc. Among his most iconic costumes is that of Fishman Island, which was brought to life thanks to the excellent Nico Robin cosplay he did. Alice Mirrorwith which any fan of A play.

Alice Spiegel is an extremely talented model and cosplayer who has brought us hundreds of cosplay photos over the six years she has been active on the scene. So she has a lot of experience dressing up as her favorite fictional characters. Among the best Alice cosplays, we have Nico Robin from One Piece, bringing one of her most popular aspects to life.

Although Alice has been cosplaying comic book, video game, anime and manga characters for a long time, she hasn’t really had much since she started doing One Piece-inspired homages, since her first cosplay was Boa Hancock and we saw her at the end of 2021. The next time we saw Alice in a One Piece cosplay was when she transformed into Nico Robin in September last year .

Alice Spiegel’s Nico Robin cosplay features her iconic look seen in the Fishman Island arc, after the two-year time jump. Last year, Alice barely showed us any photos from this shoot, but luckily that wasn’t the last time we saw her as the demon girl Ohara from One Piece, as she did. recently cosplayed again.

At the end of January, we saw Alice again in her Nico Robin cosplay based on the Fishman Island arc, as she presented a collaborative session with CarryKey cosplaying Nami. This session introduced us to two of the best cosplays of these characters, which have been very well received by One Piece fans as seen in the comments on their posts.

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