Creating an IRS online can help you find information you need for your tax return. In Just Money we explain more details

One of the tools that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) makes available to taxpayers has to do with creating an online account, which can help you from the moment you start preparing your tax return. taxes.

“Taxpayers can securely access and obtain their IRS account information through their individual online account. They can also view important information as they prepare to file their tax return or follow up on balances due or notices,” the IRS explains on its website.

Some of the data that you can review if you have this account are:

-Adjusted gross income

It is of vital importance, especially for those who use tax software other than the one provided by the IRS Free File tool. They may ask you to verify your identity.

-Amount received from stimulus checks

In total, three stimulus checks were approved as part of economic relief for the Covid-19 pandemic. People who were eligible can review the amounts of each of their payments so they can calculate any Refund Catch-up Credit.

“Economic Impact Payment amounts can be found in ‘Tax Files. The amounts will be shown as ‘economic impact payment’ for the first payment and ‘additional economic impact payment’ for the second payment. Couples filing jointly will need to access their accounts individually to see their payment information,” the IRS notes.

-Estimated tax payments

“The total estimated tax payments made during the year or refunds applied as credits can be found in the tab that shows the account balance. A record of each payment appears below the payment activity,” explains the IRS.

-Amounts owed

If you have not paid a part corresponding to your taxes, with the online account you can find out.

-Payment history

It will list all the ones you have done.

-Tax files

You can request them using the “Order Transcription” function.

How can you create your online account?

1.- Select View your account information on the home page
2.- Choose the “Create or view your account” button.
3.- Select “Create account”.
4.- Pass the secure access authentication. This is a rigorous process to verify that taxpayers are who they say they are. They must be able to authenticate their identity to continue.
5.- Create your profile.

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