In our 300th episode, Dr. Elmer Huerta answers several questions from our audience about the covid-19 vaccine, the possibility of mixing doses from different pharmaceuticals, and what we can or cannot do before and after getting vaccinated.
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Hello, I am Dr. Elmer Huerta and this is your daily information on the new coronavirus. Information that we hope will be useful to take care of your health and that of your family.
Questions about the covid-19 vaccine
Dozens of listeners ask the same question: can you mix different types of vaccines? For example, some say they were vaccinated with Sinovac, Sinopharm, or the Russian vaccine and have the opportunity to be vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna.
We say to all of them that the only studies that have investigated the combination of vaccines have been those of AstraZeneca and Pfizer. Those two vaccines can be combined.
On the other hand, it has also been determined that Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are interchangeable, that is, you can start with one and end with the other.
Since the interchangeability of the other vaccines has not been studied, whoever does so must do so at their own risk.
Dr Huerta, I had coronavirus in January, and almost three months later I was vaccinated with Astra Zeneca. When is it convenient for me to give myself the second dose? Would you already have an immunity equal to that of people who have taken both doses? Grss
– María Virginia Fraga (@ MaraVirginiaFr1) May 31, 2021
Hello Maria, the usual thing is that it is at 4 weeks, although – as we heard in the episode of May 17 – in countries like the United Kingdom, the second dose can be extended up to 12 weeks.
How long * is the vaccination schedule completed, should it be returned or can it be re-vaccinated?
– Saúl (@MSaulSC) June 3, 2021
Good question Saúl, unfortunately we still don’t know the answer to your question. We must await the follow-up results of the phase 3 studies and determine how long the vaccines provide protection.
@drhuerta I was vaccinated on February 8, after 2 days he gave me the corona, I was isolated for 5 weeks, when I went to get the second vaccine they said that I had to get the first vaccine again, this is true
– Luis (@ Luis75363834) June 2, 2021
Hi Luis, that doesn’t seem like proper advice to me. You have already received a dose and you should only complete your vaccination with the missing dose, not start over.
@drhuerta Dr Huerta, good afternoon for a consultation. I participate in an experimental vaccine from Curevac from Germany I received my first dose on February 25 and the second on March 25 (28 days) The vaccine has already arrived in Peru and I have to get vaccinated according to the state schedule.
– cesar la torre (@cesariqtperu) June 2, 2021
Hi César, I don’t think you should be vaccinated without consulting the officials of the study in which you are participating. It is possible that they will allow you to open the blind and know if they gave you a vaccine or a placebo, and therefore know whether to vaccinate or not.
@drhuerta Hello Doctor, ask is there any contradiction if I get vaccinated for the third time.
It is worth mentioning that I applied Pfizer on two occasions, the second was exactly 21 days later.
Thanks– SALVADOR ORTEGA (@ RicardoOrtega70) June 2, 2021
Hello Salvador, the use of a third dose of the vaccines is in full study. I suggest you listen to the episode of May 24 to know the details.
@drhuerta If we already had covid and we got the first pfsiser vaccine, is there a problem in getting the second dose at 21 days
?— Sapphire Phoenix (@ThePhoenixStone) June 2, 2021
That’s a good question Sapphire, I suggest you listen to the March 22 episode where you will hear about a study suggesting that a single dose of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine would be sufficient in a person who has already had the disease.
Considering a combination of vaccines (the 1st Astrazeneca and the 2nd PFizer) and regardless of the shortage, what is the ideal interval between both vaccines to have the best result?
— Ciro Diaz G. (@cirodiazg) June 2, 2021
Very good question Ciro. For phase 3 studies, the interval between AstraZeneca doses should be 4 weeks and between Pfizer / BioNTech doses, 3 weeks. However, as you can hear in the May 17 episode, the UK applies the second dose of those vaccines up to 12 weeks after the first.
@drhuerta Is the high risk of blood clots true when vaccinated with astrazeneca? All my acquaintances tell me not to wear it … and it is my turn. Thanks.
– Fer (@ fer_123654) June 2, 2021
Hello Fer, the possibility of developing a clot is very rare, estimating that it is five cases for every million people who receive the vaccine.
@drhuerta Why are people dying from COVID 19, after receiving their two doses of vaccine? We know that vaccines have an efficacy index, but it is still worrisome to find out one of nearby cases where despite being vaccinated they die.
– Josue Sarmiento L (@josuesarmientol) June 1, 2021
Excellent question Josué, as we heard in the May 27 episode, no vaccine is 100% effective. In an evaluation by the United States CDC, in 101 million people vaccinated, there were 10,262 cases of covid-19, of which 2,725 were asymptomatic, 995 were hospitalized and 160 died. The median age of the patients who died was 82 years.
Questions about the contagion of covid-19
@drhuerta X please help me with this question. I was taking care of a covid person for 8 days, my concern is if it is that I could get it on the 1st. day as well as 8; In the case of having been infected on the 8th day, it is advisable to do the test immediately or I must wait a few days
– saariasflores (@sacariasflores) June 3, 2021
Hello Zacarías, the most practical thing is that you isolate yourself for 10 days and wait until you have any symptoms, which generally occur around the sixth day of the first contact, and take the test at that time. If you do not have symptoms during those days, there is no danger.
@drhuerta Bs Ds, my @ husband tested positive for covid-molecular PCR test (mild symptoms) – 1 week after inoculating him with the 2nd dose of pfizer. On day 9 of symptoms, the Serologica Elisa was done with negative IgM / positive IgG. What explanation can there be in this regard. Thanks
– Ana C Rojas (@AnaCRojasP) June 3, 2021
Hi Ana, that’s normal. On about day 7 of infection, the defense system begins to produce antibodies or immunoglobulins G, which can already be found in the blood.
@drhuerta A 41-year-old person who got mild covid19 in September 2020 to this day without being vaccinated in case of being infected again with a variant, what could be the prognosis How likely is it to develop a serious disease?
– Luis David Tobón López (@Luisdavidtobon) June 2, 2021
Very good question Luis. The exact type of disease caused by the variants is not yet known. This is a very active area of research, remember that the variants of clinical significance have only just begun to be known since December 2020.
@drhuerta Greetings from the Dominican Republic. It could explain how a person should come out of covid-19 isolation without putting the rest of the family at risk.
— Eduardo J. Ramirez D (@eduardorbike) June 2, 2021
Very good question Eduardo. A person who has finished his period of isolation is supposed to be able to reunite with relatives who live in the same house because he is no longer capable of transmitting the disease. No need to take additional measures.
Questions about the covid-19 vaccine, other diseases and what can or cannot be done after inoculation
Good afternoon Dr. Huerta.
Here in Bolivia, we consume Ivermectin, generally every 15 days. Is it true that if we get vaccinated we can cancel the benefits of the vaccine x having taken Ivermectin? If true, how long should we wait to get vaccinated, from the last shot?– Mariela Oropeza (@ MarielaOropez10) May 31, 2021
Hello Mariela, so far, it has only been shown that people who take a drug called methotrexate, may have a lower activity of the vaccine. Anyway, according to the European Medicines Agency and the World Health Organization, ivermectin is not capable of preventing covid-19 and, when in doubt that this medicine can affect the vaccine, it is better not to. consume.
@drhuerta Doc. Can you have sex after the covishield vaccine?
– Hippie Chacarero (@Asperex) June 3, 2021
Hi Hippie, of course I do. The vaccine does not cause any problems with the ability to have sex. But a different thing is that you trust yourself and thinking that you are already protected with a single dose, you have sex with an infected partner and you get infected. This is because the vaccine does not provide complete protection until the two doses are completed.
Doctor @drhuerta If I have to get the third and last dose of the HPV Papilloma vaccine, at the same time as my first dose of the COVID19 vaccine, am I at risk? Are there any contraindications between vaccines? Is there any that is preferred that I applied?
— cafadarwer (@cafasdarwer) June 2, 2021
Hello Cafadarwer, first of all I congratulate you on protecting yourself against cervical cancer by getting vaccinated against the human papillomavirus. We recommend waiting two weeks after having the HPV vaccine to get the covid-19 vaccine.
They say that if I get vaccinated against Influenza, I can’t get vaccinated against Covid-19 until 12 months later, do you know if it’s true? @drhuerta
– LauVale (@LauraVal544) June 2, 2021
Hello Laura, that is not true, a person can be vaccinated against influenza and receive covid-19 or vice versa.
@drhuerta What do you think about vaccinating children under 16 years of age with Pfizer and the risk of myocarditis after the 2 dose? Is it safe to vaccinate or not?
— Lina J Pinzon (@linajco) June 2, 2021
Because the vaccine in adolescents under 16 has only recently been used, that data is still unknown. If you want to know about the possible relationship between myocarditis and messenger RNA vaccines, I suggest you listen to the May 25 episode.
Good afternoon, I have poor circulation and I have just been diagnosed with leshmania. The astrazeneca vaccine will affect me.— Diana (@Diana72294349) June 2, 2021
Hello Diana, neither are conditions that prevent you from getting vaccinated against covid-19.
@drhuerta a consultation Dr. My mother has lupus and apart from that she is allergic to penicillin, many years ago she suffered from a crisis precisely because she was injected with penicillin, apart from that she takes wafarin, can she be vaccinated against covid-19, thanks
– Juanjose Perdomo (@quenijota) June 1, 2021
Hello Juan José, the only antecedent of concern is the fact that your mother had an allergy after an injection. You should speak with your personal physician and determine if the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines would not be recommended.
@drhuerta a hug, I am diabetic and I already received the first dose of AstraZeneca. Once I receive the second dose, does my diabetic condition still make me vulnerable?
– Al Morones (@morones_al) June 1, 2021
Hi Al, that point has not yet been studied. My suggestion is that you keep taking care of yourself until you get the second dose of the vaccine and even after that, you need to be careful.
Do you have questions about the coronavirus?
Send me your questions on Twitter, we will try to answer them in our next episodes. You can find me at @DrHuerta.
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