We still have many doubts to solve but The Legend Of Zelda: Tear of the Kingdom dropped little clues for us to know who the sequel’s antagonists are from Breath of the Wild. Nintendo doesn’t like to reveal a lot about the history of its games, you can see they had us calling it BOTW 2 for months just because the name was a spoiler of what the game would be.
But It doesn’t matter that Nintendo won’t tell us the story that we will live in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, the hispanic and english communities have a lot of theorists and people very dedicated to trailer analysis that they have already shredded all the information we have to discover the antagonist of this new installment.
¿Es Ganon the final enemy of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
It’s a complicated answer. Ganon will be a villain in the story, Yeah. But… to say that he will be the last enemy to defeat is to take the risk since we don’t know how the story will be structured. From the way the trailers were shown to us, Ganon will be the one to corrupt Link’s arm and cause all the ruckus in Hyrule. (plus, probably, taking Zelda). So the evil king will be the villain of the story, motivational new kingdom hero journey.
Until recently, it had not been confirmed that this mummy was Ganonbut Nintendo Dream magazine has already revealed it. Likewise, I leave here the patterns (which ends up being true) that fans had to believe the mummy is Ganondorf:
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
- The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom is the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- unofficial cover
- Release date subject to change
- For his outfit we can say that he belongs to the Gerudo tribe.
- Their factions and the shape of the body are those of a male.
- There is only one gerudo man throughout the history of Zelda: Ganon.
- We didn’t see what happened to the villain’s body at the end of Breath of the Wild.
- It’s even possible that he never moved from there and that’s why the body seen in BOTW’s final battle looks almost nothing like the mummy.
- The logo represents a Uroboros. This symbol represents the eternal return, the cyclic character things.
- In the Zelda saga this is played countless times. This installment of games is based on the constant fight of good and evil which includes three parts: Link, Zelda and Ganon.
Why are Golems and Zonnan/Zonai creations attacking us?

Just as we’re used to all the enemies we see in Hyrule Realm attacking us, It’s weird that Zonnan’s creations see us as enemies.. Even though this tribe is supposed to be on the side of good, There are two ways to justify the way your guardians act:
- Link is detected as an enemy for having a corrupted arm and release Ganon’s energy.
- I personally believe that it will be the most logical. That they see a part of Ganon in Link due to his arm being corrupted with ancient technology.
- The other option would be that Ganon took control of all of Zonnan’s creations like he does with divine beasts or guardians in Zelda Breath Of The Wild.
- Even if it’s almost impossible since they don’t release the malice that enemies have released in BOTW as a symbol of being possessed when defeated.
I want to end by mentioning that there may be other enemies that we haven’t seen in the videos that Nintendo gave us. Before the departure of BOTW we did not know the existence of Ganon’s Wrath and they are very scary dungeon bosses (for penguins like me). With that, I want to point out something obvious: there will be minibosses and dungeon bosses that haven’t been revealed yet. AND I don’t discount the idea that the villain isn’t just Ganon and the final battle is against another enemy.