The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) on Tuesday sought City Council approval to acquire a four-legged robot that resembles a dog despite criticism that it would further erode trust between police and Black and Latinx communities. .
The quadruped unmanned ground vehicle (QUGV) would be reserved specifically for high-risk scenarios such as active fire, explosions and natural disasters, according to a intra-ministerial memorandum signed by LAPD Chief Michel Moore.
The department also said the QUGV would protect officers from life-threatening calls, such as hostage takings and barricades.
The man claims that robots are not meant to replace humans, but to help them in their work in the service industry.
The robotic device was estimated to be worth more than $277,000, but its purchase would cost the city nothing, as it would be a donation from the Los Angeles Police Foundation.
The organization said in a grant application that approximately 60 full-time SWAT officers would benefit from the robot, which would limit officers’ exposure to “violent encounters with armed suspects”.
LAPD also noted in the proposal that the robot dog would not be equipped with any weapon systems or facial recognition capabilities. The QUGV would not be part of routine patrols, according to the memo.
While the Los Angeles Police Foundation claimed the robot would limit officers’ use of deadly force, helping the department gain more trust in the community, critics were very concerned about the potential misuse of the robot.
Councilman Hugo Soto-Martínez, who had voted against the proposal in the public safety committee, voiced his opposition ahead of the council’s vote in plenary.
Several residents have filed public statements against the robot dog.
The staff of a Southern California restaurant includes three exceptional servers, who relieve their co-workers and serve customers.
“The QUGV will inevitably be used by the LAPD as yet another tool of control and intimidation that disproportionately criminalizes the poor and minorities,” Eric Kaeo Rodríguez said in a public statement to City Council.
“The adoption of this technology will only serve to expand the ability of law enforcement to retain our civil rights and further diminish any hope of accountability.”
This story first appeared on Telemundo 52’s sister station NBCLA. Click here to read this story in Spanish