Unlocked is a South Korean thriller and suspense film, released in 2023 on the Netflix platform. The story tells how a young woman begins to be harassed via her phone by a serial killerthat you will discover all your life through the device.
Directed by Kim Tae-joon and released on February 17, the film is a faithful example of how people today deposit our whole lives in cell phonesbeing a window open on the daily life that someone can have and the criminal being aware of it, will seek to approach the young woman in order to end her life.
Unlocked: an enjoyable but mediocre South Korean thriller SPOILERS!
Despite the scoop, it can be striking, as it mixes up a recurring theme in everyday life, such as the use of technology, and how it can sometimes harm us, however, the main plot thread turns. turned out to be uninteresting, with scenes that they might bore you or were overly predictable.
It is well known that stories with bullies and victims tend to have a predictable developmentHowever, there are those who manage to catch you and entertain you until the masks fall and the real faces appear.
But in Unlocked the suspense is forced and sometimes boringKnowing how the stalker found out about his victim’s life was fun because of the access he had to his cell phone, but beyond that there was no motive or cause.
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So there were strangers, did he harass her because he did? In the movie, he claims he did it because she lost her phone, which is a pretty basic reason, if you’re talking about a serial criminal. They didn’t even go to the effort of choosing an entirely predictable motive, such as the subject becoming emotionally obsessed with the victim, as in the case of movies like secret obsession there The invisible Man.
Like the Netflix series You, which managed to maintain public expectation on the subject of harassment from the point of view of a criminal who always manages to get away with it.
In this case, the stalker did it just because, resulting in a base character with no body. Turning South Korean film into entertainment but to be a mediocre thriller with bland, forced characters.
Netflix is betting on a film that exposes a 21st century reality
It’s no lie to anyone that our lives are deposited in a phone, from our bank details, photos and even our likes, you’ll find every corner of someone’s personality there. The film shows how exposed we are, but the message fails to come across as clearly as it should.
This project will be able to trap you in specific and specific scenes, such as the times when the criminal spied on every corner of the protagonist’s life, noting all the relevant aspects that could affect him in order to get closer to her.
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Instead, it ends up being one more movie about the obsession in the Netflix catalog. Lasting two hours, telling how the protagonist’s life spirals out of control, revealing how we expose part of our lives on social media.
Something remarkable is its cast, where you will find Chun Woo-hee from the melodramatic Be kdrama and Yim Si-wan from Love is the goal, you will also recognize Kim Hee-won, Park Jeong-hwan, Kim Ye-won and Jeon Jin Oh. The script was in charge of Akira Shiga, who also wrote the novel which was adapted for the big screen.
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