The last weekend of February is starred by a host of free games which you can see in this post

Finally a new weekend arrives, the last of February before giving way to March. And since it’s Friday, you know what’s going on: a compilation of free games for you to enjoy this weekend!

The bad side is that this weekend may be the worst of February in terms of free games, but the good is that many remain and there are some very good titles.

It is important to mention that I will not include PS Plus Extra or Xbox Game Pass games, so if you’re subscribed to those services, I’d recommend taking a look at the games that were added this month (in the case of PlayStation, for example, it stands out Forbidden Horizon West). That being said, I won’t get involved anymore and I’ll leave you the complete list of free games:

Jall weekend free games




Xbox Series


And although I haven’t talked about them, it is also worth mentioning services such as PS Plus Premium or Xbox Game Pass, where you will find an infinite number of titles to try completely free of charge if you are a subscriber. Of course, there are also plenty of demos to try, so if you’re not interested in one of these games, you can always try one of these other options!

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