Prohibition of bulls and corralejas: it is the representatives who will have the vote in their hands.

After several meetings and discussions, the list of representatives who will have to vote yes or no to the initiative which aims to ban shows with bullsbullfighting and corralejas events, which would gradually take place throughout the national territory.

The list published by the Congress of the Republic includes representatives from Antioquia, Santander, Bogotá, Nariño, Meta, Neiva, Cauca, Putumayo, Huila, Tolima, Caldas, Risaralda, Caquetá, Córdoba and Cundinamarca.

On the list are the following representatives according to their political party:

From the different political parties and regions, representatives will vote for the initiative.  Credits: @andreanimalidad/Twitter
From the different political parties and regions, representatives will vote for the initiative. Credits: @andreanimalidad/Twitter

Democratic Center Party: Juan Fernando Espinal and Oscar Leonardo Villamizar.

New Liberalism Party: Julia Miranda.

Green Alliance Party: Cristian Danilo Avendano.

Party of the U: Therese Enriquez.

Radical Change Party: Jamie Rodriguez.

Special Transitional Constituencies for Peace (Citrep): Juan Pablo Sálazar, Luis Ramiro Ricardo and Leonor María Palencia.

Special National Constituency Communities of African Descent, Raizales and Palenqueras: Ana Rogelia Monsalve.

Among the political parties, the representatives will vote for the initiative.  Credit: @andreanimalidad/Twitter
Among the political parties, the representatives will vote for the initiative. Credit: @andreanimalidad/Twitter

Historical pact: Leyla Marleny Corner, Gabriel Ernesto Parrado, Ernes Evelio Pete, Jorge Andrew Cancimance and Eric Adrian Velasco.

Liberal Party: Flora Perdomo, Olga Beatriz González, José Octavio Cardona and Diego Patiño Amariles.

Conservative party: Hector Mauricio Cuellar, Nicolás Antonio Barguil and Julio Roberto Salazar.

The release of the information was also celebrated and announced by Senator Andrea Padilla-Villarragawho took the opportunity to make a request on his Twitter account with the following information:

“It is the @CamaraColombia representatives who will have the enormous responsibility of voting YES or NO to the prohibition of bullfighting and corraleja barbarism. I ask you, depending on your department or constituency, to help us solicit your support for overcome so much violence and cruelty”.

It is worth mentioning that the Green Marine animalist senator was at the forefront of the initiative. Indeed, he celebrated the approval of the second full Senate debate held at the end of 2022, in which he seeks to gradually ban the bullfighting events Throughout the national territory.

As part of the ban on cruel shows with animals that would be carried out gradually, in this case with bulls, the first sanctuary was created to ensure the protection of fighting bulls. This species, in particular, is known as a type of fighting bull that was bred by man to be exploited in bullfighting events and shows.

There Reserve Bravo Bull Its objective is the protection of fighting bulls and cows in order to preserve the breed, in addition to preventing the animals from ending up in centers such as slaughterhouses. It would be an initiative that also considers the creation of new commercial and professional paths for a country that stops betting on this type of animal exploitation.

in conversation with snail radiothe founder of the Reserve and Namigni Animal SanctuaryMiguel Aparicio, mentioned that this is the first sanctuary dedicated to the protection of this species.

The sanctuary is located 30 minutes from the capital of the country, exactly in the rural area of ​​La Calera, Cundinamarca. There, according to officials, the animals have a new chance to livesince most of them end up in slaughterhouses due to the scarcity of bullfights in some areas, a fact that would happen even more if the measure were approved.

“The ban on bullfighting in Colombia or in any other country, unfortunately, is always proposed without creating alternatives to fight the bulls, which are very complex and aggressive animals and which, with the growing anti-bullfighting pressure, run the risk of being revictimized as collateral damage caused by bans that may not protect them effectively,” Aparicio said.

The place already has the presence of 5 cattle, but in addition to their protection, it also works for the conservation of the breed and its natural habitat.

On the other hand, the project, which has already welcomed these animals, victims of animal exploitation, also aims to create commercial and professional alternatives to all who are part of the bullfighting activitybut who wish to be part of this approach of care and respect for animals.

In fact, the founder of the Sanctuary emphasized that they intend to create a third way of solution and conciliation that does not align itself with pro-bullfighting movements or anti-bullfighting organizations. Thus, he pointed out that:

“…we want to talk and work with all parties willing to create tangible solutions to this moral and social dilemma facing society which cannot be solved by the simple pursuit of bullfighting, which is less and less viable, nor by indiscriminate bans that could lead to all these animals being slaughtered in slaughterhouses”.

At the moment, breeders and former bullfighters are talking about the project with the reserve, an extremely important process for the Sanctuary and the personalities who claim the show ban with bulls, because in this way such a crucial initiative in the country could continue to move forward.

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