The National Program for Socio-Productive Inclusion and Local Development “Potenciar Trabajo” was created by unifying two other programs: Hacemos Futuro and Salario Social Complementario (Nicolás Stulberg)

Since March, 96,795 program holders Improve work who have not validated their identity virtually or in person have stopped billing the social plan. The same thing happened last month. If they do not do so by April 1, the Ministry of social development definitely end them. Conversely, 1,268,044 people have complied with the procedure and are still registered in the register of the portfolio which leads Victoria Toulouse Peaceand which is under the orbit of the Social Economy Secretariat in charge of Emilio Persico.

Potenciar Trabajo has the largest current budget in the ministry $590,981,978,110; against, for example, the $442,755,687,402 food policies.

GlobeLiveMedia accessed exclusively the data provided by the identity validation and which is an x-ray of the beneficiaries. The majority two, They are very young, are between 18 and 29 years old, represent 38.7%. A total of 490,593 people.

It is followed by the age group between 30 and 39 years. There are 375,127 people, that’s 29.6%. Holders of Work Potential between 40 and 49 years old represent 20% and 11.8% are 50 years old or more.

Plan Beneficiary Contact Information
Plan Beneficiary Contact Information

The National Program for Socio-productive Inclusion and Local Development “Potenciar Trabajo” was created by unifying two other programs: Hacemos Futuro and Salario Social Complementario- Its objective is to contribute to improve employment and generate new productive proposals through the development of socio-productive, socio-community, socio-professional and school completion projects, in order to promote the full social inclusion of people in situation of social and economic vulnerability.

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Holders of the program who can benefit from the plan can choose to fulfill their counterpart (20 hours per week) by their participation in socio-productive, socio-worker and/or socio-community projects or by completion of studiesIn other words, complete your studies.

The data on this last point are alarming and constitute an x-ray of what is happening among the most vulnerable sectors and to which greater importance should be given.

According to data obtained by the social portfolio, the 20.83% only completed primary school. There are 264,185 people. 10.41% have incomplete primary studies. Only 29.33% have completed secondary education and 30.07% have not completed it. 9.33% holders of the Potenciar Trabajo have completed higher education (academic or tertiary) complete or incomplete.

The vast majority of beneficiaries of the Potenciar Trabajo program carry out community work in social movement cooperatives
The vast majority of beneficiaries of the Potenciar Trabajo program carry out community work in social movement cooperatives

For this reflection of the country’s society, Minister Tolosa Paz launched the “Return to curriculum. “There is Potenciar Trabajo if we strengthen education, there is a more egalitarian Argentina if we start with school,” he said during the presentation at Casa Rosada.

With Potenciar Trabajo’s figures in hand, the former MP assured: “60.7% have incomplete primary and incomplete secondary education” and pointed out that: “60% of these people are women –148,000 between 18 and 29 years old and 146,000 between 30 and 39 years old– and most of them are mothers or have elderly dependents; and there is no work for a poor uneducated woman”.

The analysis carried out on identity validation determined that the vast majority of social program holders They are womenin all 827,987, or 65.3%.

Men, meanwhile, represent 34.1%, or a total of 432,888 people. 0.6% are not perceived within these two sexes and are identified as “other”.

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By examining the type of work carried out by each of the beneficiaries of the scheme, it appears that 91.6% conduct “productive/community activities”. There are 1,187,323 people who carry out their functions in the cooperatives, the Management Units (MU), most of which depend on official, left-wing, municipal, ecclesiastical or governmental social movements, among others, serving canteens and parking areas. picnics that depend on the same organizations. This activity represents 62.7% of the Enhancing Work universe.

Only 8% are dedicated to “family and peasant agriculture”. Even less is the number of workers who work in construction and environmental improvement. In this case, masons, helpers, painters, etc., represent 7.6%.

The province of Buenos Aires is the one with the most beneficiaries of the Potenciar Trabajo program, 623,006 holders have validated their membership of the plan
The province of Buenos Aires is the one with the most beneficiaries of the Potenciar Trabajo program, 623,006 holders have validated their membership of the plan

Among other activities, recycling and environmental services, such as waste pickers, recyclers and those who clean up landfills, occupy 6.9% of the register.

Only 3.9% of the beneficiaries comply with the Potenciar Trabajo proposal through training, that is to say, for example, by carrying out “training courses”.

Among the biometric validation questions, beneficiaries were asked if they wanted to complete their education or undergo training to be in a better position to obtain formal employment, if they could access it.

According to Tolosa Paz’s announcement: “The data validation results told us that 79.2% want to complete their studies”.

    Only 7.6% of Potentiar Trabajo holders work in construction and environmental improvement.  In this case, the masons, helpers and painters
Only 7.6% of Potentiar Trabajo holders work in construction and environmental improvement. In this case, the masons, helpers and painters

“Thanks to these men and women who have validated their data, we can now get closer to them and direct the support of public policies towards what this ministry has always had as a horizon and perspective of life in society. : education and work”, expressed the Minister of Social Development and promised: “We will contact each of the people who have told us that they want to continue their studies, they will be able to see the educational offer available throughout the country and register in the school that best suits them.

The virtual validation of identities was a controversial issue between the national official and the leaders of the Piquetero unit. Leaders like Eduardo Belliboniof the Polo Obrero, claimed that Tolosa Paz seeks to dismiss the holders of social plans to adjust the programs, as required by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and they have organized mobilizations and camps because of these cancellations or suspensions.

On February 15, hundreds of tents were deployed for 20 hours on Avenida 9 de Julio. The next day, at the end of the demonstration, Tolosa Paz replied: “The ministry is not one of the piqueteros let alone AMBA. To this policy, which was created in the heat of extortion on July 9, someone has to put a limit. Camping is an extortion mechanism, they’re going to have to prepare, we’re not going to lift the decree.

Since this month of March, 96,795 holders of the Potenciar Trabajo program who have not validated their identity virtually or in person have stopped receiving the social plan.  Eduardo Belliboni announced pickets and camps starting next week
Since this month of March, 96,795 holders of the Potenciar Trabajo program who have not validated their identity virtually or in person have stopped receiving the social plan. Eduardo Belliboni announced pickets and camps starting next week

Faced with the new threat of encampment, expected next week if there is no response from the social wallet, i.e. not to unsubscribe the 96,795 people who have not updated their identity, the minister assured that she would not receive the piquetero leader in audience and warned: “Let Belliboni go into politics to make another side, which does not use the poorest”.

“The minister does not deal with complaints that even come from her own space, stop subjecting those who have less to IMF adjustment“, the head of Polo Obrero replied and assured:” Your government has failed to create jobs and gives victims on the Internet. The Polo Obrero has revalidated 99% of its members, but we do not accept any adjustments”.

as much as he could tell GlobeLiveMedia the province of Santiago de Estero, with 96.8% of validations, is the district where most beneficiaries have completed the process. At the other end, the Rio Negro, with 88.3%, is the one that did the least.

Buenos Aires, with 623,006 holders having validated their membership in the scheme, is the province with the most beneficiaries. It is followed by Tucumán, with 72,193; CABA, with 53,703 and Jujuy with 51,662 people.

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