On the night of Monday March 6, a new attack on La Cira Infantas oilfield in Barrancabermeja (Santander), where No one was affected, but there was severe environmental damage from the oil spill in the area.

“#Warning | We reject the attack that took place tonight on the pipeline that carries crude oil from the #ElCentro canton to the #Barrancabermeja refinery and the water pipe that goes to the Lisama dehydration plant of the La Cira Infantas (sic) production field”, they posted on the Twitter account of the Ecopetrol subsidiary of Magadalena Medio.
Through a press release, the hydrocarbon exploitation company indicated that it was a attack on the infrastructure that transports crude from the corregimiento of El Centro to the refinery in the oil city and the water pipe in the aforementioned production area.
“The events occurred in the Carrilera sector, in front of the Lisama dehydration plant, in the village of Planta Nueva in the corregimiento (…) The attack did not affect people, but it caused environmental damage due to the loss of fluid containment spilled, and uncertainty in communities surrounding Ecopetrol operations,” they added.
Given the imminent environmental damage that the attack on the pipeline will cause, in the oil company They will start monitoring in collaboration with the authorities to carry out the corresponding decontamination work.
“The Public Force is investigating the facts on the spot and the rescue brigade is awaiting the corresponding reports. authorities to start the process of repairing the lines and clearing the affected area (sic),” they tweeted.
Finally, they remembered that With this new attack on the infrastructure of the oil field, 11 attacks against La Cira Infantas have ended over the past two years.
“Since 2021, the production field of La Cira Infantas has been the target of eleven attacks; four in 2021, six in 2022 and the last one which happened tonight. That’s why we say: #NoMásAtentados”, underline.
One year ago, On the night of Sunday February 13, one of the most recent attacks on this hydrocarbon production field was reported, where an explosive device hit the 703 water and crude oil line. which arrives at station 7 which has affected the soils and the vegetation.
On this occasion, The national oil company has activated a contingency plan to avoid environmental damage both at the site of the events and around La Cira to protect the community.
Besides, Police, military and Ecopetrol technicians were on hand to review the situation to determine the impact this attack left in oil infrastructure.
A month before, On January 24, 2022, there were two more detonations near Station 3A, which caused damage to the water-to-crude transfer line and bumps in the pipeline. injection between plants.
Also there is a record of another terrorist action, which occurred in September 2021, in the village of Campo 38 from the same sector.
There The Barrancabermeja refinery is the oldest in Colombia, with an age of 100 years. Inaugurated on February 18, 1922, it currently produces 225,000 barrels per day, or 30% of oil capacity. from the country.
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