The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Arturo Luna, announced the opening of a call for Colombian professionals with a doctorate and wishing to carry out a postdoctoral stay in the country. Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Honorable Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Arthur Moonannounced the opening of a call for the development of postdoctoral stays In the country, the objective of the strategy is to link Colombian doctors to the entities of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (SNCTI).

The 41 billion will be invested in 140 professionals who have obtained the title of doctor, apply their knowledge and support research processes in the country, each of the selected would receive 290 million. In this regard, Luna explained:

“Support will be granted to support the doctor with 10 million pesos per month and up to 50 million pesos for the development of his proposal during the stay. This funding will be over a period of 12 to 24 months,” said Minister Luna.

The portfolio manager Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation invited interested persons to apply for the call, but explained that these are addressed to the areas of: bioeconomy, natural ecosystems, sustainable territories; right to food; efficient, sustainable and affordable energy; health sovereignty and social well-being; and science for peace and citizenship, priority areas by the national government.

The ministry’s commitments also aim to promote the professional integration of doctors in the country, while meeting the needs of scientific projects taking place in the country.

The call will open on February 28, applications will be possible until April 20, 2023, and from ministry It was clarified that a differential approach will be applied in this regard, depending on gender, ethnicity and population victim of the armed conflict, as well as territory.

“We are going to change the way these stays are granted a little, we are going to give it a territorial orientation, so that those who come from the regions have their chance to stay in the regions, women because the percentage of women who do postdoc stays are relatively low, compared to other countries,” said Minister Luna.

The prioritization of the projects was built according to the requests of the territories which were agreed in the local working groups.

During his speech, in the information Colombia today, Moon He explained that they are building new selection processes and mechanisms, so that human intervention is minimal, hoping that the processes will be more agile, transparent and fast.

Among the problems that ministry hope to solve through Science and technology there is: the low technicalization of agriculture, the energy transition and health, mainly in the production of vaccines.

Among the requirements of those who aspire to the call are:

  • To be a Colombian professional.
  • Have a doctorate or have the certification that you will soon receive.
  • Submit a proposal for Research, Technological Development and/or Innovation to be developed during the stay.
  • Have the Cvlac up to date
  • Present the letter of approval of the proposal, signed by the doctor and the legal representative of the entity with which the stay will be carried out.
  • Candidates who meet a requirement defined with a differential approach, present the certificates which are defined in the terms of reference of this call.

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