We are damaged in Argentina. The democratic system works, it is number 46 of the index that The Economist elaborates on the total number of about 196, which includes sovereign countries, certain protectorates or with an almost symbiotic interrelation with others. But with its independent powers and selection of representatives by vote. So, from that place on the list, we see in front of us a democracy and fragile institutions: many of those chosen do not believe but in other options, even if they sit in their seats, maneuver and take meter by meter the ways to gnaw on it and occupy them. At the head are the Scandinavian nations, parliamentary monarchies and, if not perfect, admirable democracies (did you see “Borgen”?). By the way, it comes out in the indexes of living with greater happiness with a solid secular and affective relationship with its crowns, very popular.

Let no one think that one thinks of a monarchy for our place, please. A Republic as it was born and despite much blood, wars, slaughter, unspeakable torture, hyperinflation, intense hatred, terrorism, bodies in the sea, a war but not for its vindication but to prolong a dying dictatorship, and it still stands. It would be absurd, even if there are those who design an absolutist monarchy disguised as a revolution – all of them end up in tyrannical regimes. Anyway, the idea is in the rusty “bourgeois” democracy. Inside of her.

Very severe and dangerous accusations, corruption, delinquency, the possibility of political crimes, disappointment and any breeze of greatness to get a deal out of the quagmire seems utopian. Is that mistrust has taken over, and it did not start recently, on both sides of the fence. And there is no vaccine for that infection. How to find the agreement with which it is threatened when the positions are nailed and there is not enough capacity, neither delivery, nor intelligence? The distrust between the governed and the governors in general, between the governed and the opponents of the governors, more supporters of the Government and adversaries-enemies, as well as among all all, a large oil slick in the sea. Just as shame if lost cannot be found (see Hernández, Fierro, advice to children), the same, it seems to me, happens with distrust: you can stick the vase, but it will never be the same.

We must demand to go up, improve, get out of this sadness, this poverty and so much and corrosive lack of confidence. Right now, on the tightrope and with the coin in the air.

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