The Mayor of Rosario, Paul Javkinpointed out in the mafia message to Lionel Messi they left outside a supermarket belonging to the family of Antonela Rocuzzo, who was shot dead this morning, once asked for help in an attempt to stop the criminal advance and drugs and held directly responsible the security forces who must prevent these events.
The community leader expressed doubts about the perpetrators of the event: “For the past two years, we have been talking about this type of shooting and there is a common characteristic in all these events: no further pursuit, no action situation, no confrontation”.
Javkin insists that this type of attack occurs by action or omission of the security forces who must take care of the citizens. “Here, we have several forces at work. It’s inexplicable with the freedom with which these things happenin relation to the actions of narco banks and what happens with non-persecution,” he complained when communicating with Edward Feinman there Jorge Lanata In Radio Miter.
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The Único supermarket chain, which belongs to the Roccuzzo family, partners of Lionel Messi, located in Lavalle street, in the west of Rosario, was shot down at 3:20 a.m. this Thursday. The assailants left a written threat and then fired a dozen shots.
The episode occurred the same week that Governor Omar Perotti and Mayor Javkin took part in a new meeting of the Provincial Ministry of Security’s Joint Command Table, to discuss actions to reduce violence rates and insecurity in the city. .
Hence the doubts of the mayor. Javkin suggested that there were self-interested sectors behind the attack and directly blamed the forces that must prevent these events. “If I go to meetings and lift where I think the forces need to be strengthened and after a few days it shows up in one of those places, I doubt it. I doubt everything. And mentioning Messi guarantees the repercussion,” he stressed.
But for the mayor, what happened this morning was “the most treacherous thing” because we have just had two very direct encounters with the forces that bear arms, who are the ones who must take care of us, the areas work in town and we are very close to where it happened. That”.

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Javkin, who has been in the army for many years, assures that he will not be pressured with this type of incident. “I’ve been involved in politics for many years, they’re not going to rule me. What’s clear is how they act. But I doubt it’s a drug gang, because it’s not “It’s not a typical action. It could also be by the action or omission of those who have to take care of us drug traffickers,” he insisted.
The mayor complained that “we talk about Rosario as if we weren’t in Argentina, but it’s never a priority” and assured that “much more serious things are happening in other places and they don’t have the rebound they have” in his city. “Weapons and drugs are not born in Rosario, they are introduced. To get to Rosario, they cross huge portions of Argentina. It shows you the level of dirtiness and complicity,” he said.
“What they generate with Rosario gives me a lot of hate. It’s a city of people fighting it. But unfortunately they don’t care about it. It must be a turning point. I’m sick of it. is a city of working, good people who are threatened by guys who order things in prisons and by action or omission in complicity with the force that has to deal with us. resources should be here,” he concluded.

It is suspected that the attack was carried out by two men on motorbikes and is believed to be linked to barrabravas in the city. A month ago, Javkin publicly criticized Miguel Ángel Russo for saying that there were players who refused to play in Rosario because of the prevailing insecurity.
The case is in charge of the shooting prosecutor Federico Rébolawho ordered the Criminal Investigation Agency to investigate the scene to take testimony, collect ballistic material and search for CCTV cameras.
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