Peruvian anchovies are processed and exported into fishmeal and fish oil, marine ingredients that are the basis of aquaculture around the world, which should contribute to Peru’s economic recovery.

Despite the late start of the second season of anchovies in 2022 in the north-central area of ​​Peru, landings of 1.91 million MT were obtained; i.e. it was possible to catch 84% of the quota allocated by the Ministry of Productionthe same as 2.28 million MT, according to RM No. 391-2022-Produce.

Indeed, the second season started late on November 28, 2022, and previously, a 4-day exploratory fishery was recommended, which took place between November 23 and 27, when the oceanographic conditions were favorable, reports the National Fisheries Society (SNP).

However, in the second half of December, hot conditions prevailed, complicating industrial fishing activity.

In this direction, Cayetana Aljovín, President of the SNP, said it is important to start fishing seasons in a timely manner. Thus, he underlined that “as warned at the time, the 2022-2 season got off to a late start at the end of November; which, as was to be expected, complicated the fishing tasks”.

Additionally, the executive asserted that those experienced in the industry know that fishing in November is not the same as January due to weather-related factors. sea ​​temperaturewaves, spawning, among others.

Producing guarantees the conservation of the anchovy in its reproduction phase.
Producing guarantees the conservation of the anchovy in its reproduction phase.

Thus, whereas between November and mid-December the sea presented cold conditions – which is favorable for anchovy fishing – in January it changed to neutral and warm conditions, which strongly affected there fishing activityadded the president of the union.

However, the fishermen’s union believes that the results of this second anchovy fishing season 2022will result in approximately $1,000 million in exports of fishmeal and fish oil, marine ingredients that are the basis of aquaculture worldwide, which should contribute to Peru’s economic recovery.

In December 2022, the fishing industry output decreased by 2.81% due to lower extraction of species of marine origin (-4.76%), of species intended for indirect human consumption (anchovy resource for fishmeal and fish oil), recording an extraction of 1,039,432 tonnes, compared to 1,081,185 tonnes declared in December 2021, which translated into a reduction of 3.86%, behavior reported in the second month of the second fishing season, in the central-north zone of the Peruvian coast, reported the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI)in the technical report Cyclical growth of economic activity.

Landings for direct human consumption (-6.84%) were also affected, species for fresh consumption (-11.64%), in brine (-53.89%), frozen preparation (-1.55%) and production of preserves (-12.73%). However, fishing of continental origin increased by 32.75% linked to the increased cash extraction for consumption fresh, salted and frozen.

Produce reported that as of January 26, 80% of the planned quota of juvenile species had been caught.
Produce reported that as of January 26, 80% of the planned quota of juvenile species had been caught.

He Ministry of Production (Product) reported that the second anchovy fishing season in the central-north region is underway. In this sense, and according to the report of the Institute of the Sea of ​​Peru (Imarpe)until January 26, a total of 1,819,872 tons of this marine species have been landed, which represents 79.7% of the established Maximum Total Allowable Catch Limit (TMACL).

Likewise, it has been reported that so far this anchovy fishing seasonas of 26 January, 80% of the expected volume of juvenile bycatch had been caught.

It should be noted that in the catch of anchovies there is a percentage of the total quota that corresponds to the incidental capture of juveniles that occurs randomly, depending on the spatial distribution of the resource.

This measure makes it possible to have fishing activity and at the same time the anchovy biomass is taken care of. He added that according to the most recent catch rate of juveniles, the estimated total number of juveniles for this season has not been reached.

The average daily incidence of juveniles to date has decreased as expected, due to adherence to boat fishing quota and also to strengthen the implementation of management measures aimed at their protection, such as the immediate closure of various areas due to a high incidence of juveniles, reported the Instituto de Mar.

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