The disapproval of Congress of the Republic reached 90%, according to the latest survey by the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP). Parliamentary work has been harshly questioned since previous administrations and now the criticism is more severe due to the exorbitant expenditure on lunches, cell phones, carpets, parking, among other “luxuries”.
Red de Ollas Comunes de Lima rejects Jorge Montoya’s statements at the Congress buffet: “It’s a slap in the face to poverty”
Fortunata Palomino, president of the network, questioned the fact that the menu for parliamentarians costs 80 soles. Moreover, he invited the legislator to eat one day in a common pot.
In a statement, the President of the Congress, Jose Williams Zapata announced that it has organized a series of measures due to the questions that Parliament has received in recent days.
He announced that he had requested the Comptroller General of the Republic Execute a special review of all procurement processes for goods and services conducted by Congress over the past year. “Immediately request the Comptroller General of the Republic to carry out a special examination of the processes for the purchase of goods and services carried out during the past year”, indicates the document published via his Twitter account.
Freddy Díaz: the former congressman will be transferred to a joint prison to serve 9 months of preventive detention
The man indicted for the alleged crime of rape, a former member of the Alianza para el Progreso bench, went to court on February 20.
He also claimed that he ordered the restructuring of procurement processes led by the national parliament, “in order to apply the expenditure control measures”.
In this sense, the Head of the Legislative Power announced that the Senior Congressional Official With those in charge of the administrative domain, they will hold a press conference this Monday, February 27, in the premises of the Parliament, in order to expand and clarify the information on the procurement process in question.
according Sunday Panoramathe Congress of the Republic approved the draft refitting of carpets in five areas of the Parliament for an amount amounting to S/315 thousand, which is allegedly overstated.
Plan to toughen penalties for crimes committed during protests is populist, would reinforce authoritarian politics and would be unconstitutional
Experts consulted by GlobeLiveMedia agree that Dina Boluarte’s regime is committed to ineffective regulation that would not bring results and that only tries to criminalize the massive protests taking place in Lima and in the interior regions of the country. .
In this regard, the Mayor’s Office of Congress, through a statement, clarified that the procurement process for the renovation of the carpets is contemplated in the Annual procurement plan for the period from January to December 2022. He indicated that due to the supplier’s non-compliance with the conditions set out in the contract, the process was canceled and the corresponding penalty is applied.
The information program also noted the purchase of televisions for an amount of S/ 138 thousand 350, installation of two led screens for S/ 478 thousand 352 and the rental of a space located a few meters from the headquarters of the Congress in the Center of Lima to be used by the members of the Congress and their advisers as exclusive parking. This expenditure amounts to S/ 1 million 620 thousand.
Congress noted that the installation of two Video-Wall type screens in the Raúl Porras Barrenechea room it was needed for parliamentary committee sessions, as well as for conferences and other scheduled activities. He argued that the previous screen was eight years old and had failed, being replaced by a fabric screen.
On the Car park El Milagroexplained that the decision was made to rent the space because for the execution of the pedestrianization plan of the historic center of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, the closure of the roads surrounding the Parliament was ordered and with the lifting of the restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, administrative work in Congress has been normalized.