Efraín Cepeda, president of the Conservative Party in 2023, announced that he would not support Gustavo Petro’s health reform

After a meeting of the bench of the traditional Colombian political party, it was decided that they would not accompany the health reform proposed by the president Gustavo Petro. This was announced by the chairman of the political group, Efrain Cepedawho also expressed the party’s intention to make substantive proposals to modify the bill that would redistribute health resources in the country.

This party, which has 40 of the 292 members of Congress and has also put the administrative quota in the Ministry of Transport with Guillaume Reyesdid not close the door to negotiations with the government: “we are aware as a Party of the need for a reform of the health system”.

In addition, they said they would continue to defend “private property, free enterprise, the family, the social state of law, the Force Publique, freedom of expression and the economic model that it has historically nurtured. “.

In 2022, the Conservative Party declared government partyThey would therefore not oppose the proposals made by the executive. This was announced by the party itself in a statement.

“After lengthy deliberations by the National Leadership and the Parliamentary Chamber, the Conservative Party declares itself the Party of Government, preserving and safeguarding the principles underlying the conservative spirit“, we read in the press release.

Regarding the proposals, projects and decisions of the Government of Gustavo Petroreaffirmed that they would reserve the right to change positionthat they would implement in 2023 by opposing the structure of health reform.

The Conservative Party felt that it would oppose the government “when these or other principles that we stand for are compromised”, as would currently be the case with the major reforms of the current state administration, although that they only ruled on the health portfolio reform.

One of the members of the party, also a candidate for the presidency, published a letter in which he asked the party to declare itself independent, above all to maintain the political and ideological lines that the party has displayed.

“Our doctrine is poles apart from left-wing doctrines. We have traveled different ideological paths as history shows and we cannot sacrifice or qualify what we believe under the current situation,” said David Barguil.

As for the U party, another of the right-wing parties, which has also expressed its support for the national government, there is no official statement regarding the reforms underway, but according to the statements of the same group, would support the government of Petro in the decisions taken during his administration as long as they benefit the poorest.

“Convinced that the change the country has chosen to solve the problems that afflict us is to work together, we have made the decision to support the national government,” they said.

The political collective of which Armando Benedetti and Mauricio Lizcano were part, Today, government officials Petroreiterated its support for each of the initiatives that improve the living conditions of millions of inhabitants in Colombia.

At that time, they announced that they would be in favor of the government, “especially in the proposals that aim to reduce poverty and build peace, without losing their autonomy and their constructive contribution to the debate to enrich the proposals that emanate government,” they mentioned in a press release.

The Conservative Party announced that it would continue to be governed by its six “blue lines”, and condemned: “We will not allow nationalization and bureaucratization of the health systemWe will promote the strengthening of mixed insurance and we will defend the free choice of the user as a fundamental subject of this reform”.

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