For more than 12 hours heavy rain fell on the Piura area, wreaking havoc on its main avenues. Pedestrians, as well as vehicles, presented difficulties to circulate in the flooded streets.
Heavy to extreme rains put 107 provinces in 14 regions on red alert through Thursday
Indeci recommended that the population be prepared for possible rainfall. In some areas of the Sierra and the northern coast of Peru, the presence of hail, sleet, electric shocks and gusts of wind will be observed.
Only in the metropolitan area of Piura, in the districts of Piura, Castile and October 26 has been reported 103 critical points due to flooding. In this sense, the neighbors have expressed their discomfort because so far storm drainage works were not carried out to avoid that after having recorded heavy rains, the streets of the city are flooded as it happens every year.
Piura’s EPS sent machines to human settlement Ignacio Merino starting with the cleaning works of the main road which has just been inaugurated.
Heatwave in Piura: the temperature reached 39°C, the highest value in the last half-century
The recordings have generated that the UV radiation values reach 14, considered extremely high and dangerous for health
A similar situation was reported in other towns in the region which also suffered heavy rains causing concern among the people. According to the information provided by the specialized account Asismetin the district of Las Lomas, cumulative amounts of 107 mm were recorded, followed by La Matanza, which reported 80 mm.
The head of the Office of Disaster Risk Management of the Frías District Municipalityprovince of Ayabaca, indicated that after a supervision operation, damage to road infrastructure was observed in some areas of its jurisdiction.
Emergency in Peru due to mudslides in Chosica, Junín, Ancash and other regions
Dozens of homes affected due to torrential rains and activation of waterways across the country. Chosica suffered rain for several hours, while the mayor of Santa Eulalia asks to declare the neighborhood in a state of emergency. In Junín there are also hundreds of victims.
These precipitations were announced by a red alert from the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service (Senamhi), who warned of the very high risk in the neighborhoods of Ayabaca, cold, Jilili, Lagoons, Mountaineer, Pacaipampa, Paimas, Sapillica, Sicchez, Canchaque, El Carmen of the Border, Huancabamba, Huarmaca, Lalaquiz, San Miguel del Faique, Sondor, Sondorillo, Buenos Aires, Chalaco, Salitral, San Juan de Mustache, Yamago , 1999 . The Hills and Lancones.
The intense rains that have been reported in recent days have caused an increase in the flow of the Yapatera River, of High Piura, leaving more than 100,000 inhabitants of the hamlets of Morropón – Chulucanas isolated, according to local media Radio Cutivalu.
A few days ago, some people risked their lives trying to cross the river to go out and buy basic necessities, but now due to the increased flow, they are unable to leave their towns, they therefore asked the authorities for help.
Intense rains affected much of the northern coast of Peru. In the region Lambayeque, heavy rains also affected more than 150 homes in the district of To install Jayanka.
He National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) issued a report acerca de la situation a cause de la temporada de lluvias e informó que hasta el momento se han reportado 6,250 damnificados, 21,535 afectados, 44 fallecidos, 54 heridos, 8 desaparecidos, 318 viviendas destroyed, 1,902 viviendas uninhabitable y 9,250 viviendas afectadas inhabitables National level.
He senamhi reported that moderate to extreme rainfall will continue to be recorded until next saturday february 25 in Áncash, Apurímac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huancavelica, Huánuco, Ica, Junín, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Pasco, Piura and Tumbes, which will be accompanied by electric discharges and gusts of wind with speeds close to 35 km/h.
In Piura, cumulative rainfall of 50 mm/day is expected and the very high risk districts are: Ayabaca, Frías, Jilili, Lagunas Montero, Pacaipampa, Sapillica, Canchaque, El Carmen de la Frontera, Huancabamba, Huarmaca, Lalaquiz, San Miguel del Faique, Sondor, Chalaco, San Juan de Bigote and Yamago,