He must have been the imperturbable, cold, cynical, ungodly and sinister Archimedes Puccio, the cold-eyed, ever-solemn villain who kidnapped businessmen from their homes and killed them. Some time later, he went to the other extreme: colorful clothes, jewelry, humor and mischief to play Luis Mario Vitette Sellanes, the man in the gray suit from the robbery of the century at Banco Río. The two films starring Guillaume Francella they were watched by nearly five million viewers.
Now the actor is cast – it hasn’t been confirmed, but he’s a candidate – to play the quadruple femicide Ricardo Barredathe dentist who shot and killed his wife on November 15, 1992 Gladys McDonald, her mother-in-law Elenea Arreche and her daughters Adriana and Cecilia. The production, he himself announced in a note, will be Armand Bo.
Will Barreda be seen signing autographs or cold-blooded femicide? The tone of the film is no minor issue. Sometimes the debate rises against the “romanticization” of the criminal. In fact, what writers and directors do is tell a story and look for the human side of the offender.

In the same way that the fiction and the documentary of the case were made Maria Marta Belsuncethere are four producers interested in making the series and the documentary of the Unpunished feminicide by Nora Dalmassowhose husband Marcelo Macarron he was acquitted at trial. And he even accused his son faundo, who is aware of these ideas. The case seems to have the flavors of a police officer: power, sex, betrayal, victims and impunity.
Until Nahir Galarzasentenced to life for killing with two bullets Fernando Pastorizzo (December 29, 2017 in Gualeguaychú), received proposals. So far, he has arranged a documentary and a series. But she wants to put her stamp on it and her way of being, she doesn’t want fiction to enter her story. A casting has been done. But the argument with his father, which he had settled with the producers, left everything at an impasse.
Marcelo Tinelli had been interested in producing the history of the fat value, the leader of the super gang that robbed banks and armored vehicles, who regained his freedom nearly five years ago. Valor loves movies and is a fan of Al Pacino and of robert de niroand seen ten times scarface and many others the saga of The Godfather. The assailant stole fifty armored vehicles and the film will be directed by Paul Bucca.
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The fashion for thieves and murderers seeking to bring their story to the movies is not new. Alfredo Alcon he played the legendary thug child’s head, Arthur Bonin A Juan Bairoletto there Victor Laplace A Mate cooked. Moreover, the movie passengers of a nightmare related the case of the parricides of Schocklender.
But audiovisual adaptations of the stories of the sinister kidnapper Arquímedes Puccio and the multiple murderer Carlos Eduardo Robledo Puchinterpreted by Lorenzo “Toto” Ferro and watched by a million and a half viewers, many criminals dream of eternalizing their lives in a film, series or documentary.
Even Robledo Puch, annoyed by the film the angelvery loosely based on his criminal raid, he planned to speak his truth in a documentary.
For this, he contacted the filmmaker, actor and producer Enrique Pineyro. “I want to tell the reality of my case, the injustice I suffered for 46 years in a gigantic armed plot against me”, says the one who at 19 – in 1972 – killed 11 people from behind or while they were sleeping. The project, apparently, did not prosper.
The super thieves gang que el 13 de enero de 2006 robó 15 million de dólares del banco Río de Acassuso, y huyeron en dos gomones tras burlar a 300 policías y dejar una nota (“En barrio de ricachones, sin armas ni rencores, es sólo plata y no amores “), Also They managed to make their own movie.

The leader of the big blow, Fernando Araujo, was part of the production and was one of the screenwriters. And he and his companions Sebastien Garcia Bolster there Ruben Alberto de la Torre they had bowling in the movie. The story was also a documentary that premiered on Netflix.
Vitette wants the story of her book thief of the century go to the movies The former boquetero and “spiderman” who claims to have stolen jewelry from Mirtha Legrand, wrote a story in Uruguay that crossed his mind as he dug the tunnel to rob the Rio bank. It’s a series of criminal stories that mix audacity and a love story crossed by tragedy.
Jose Louis Estevez there Jorge Larrosapoet and former lyricist of Andres Calamarothey wrote The second robbery of the centurywhich tells of the intention the gang had after the first big hit, in case they weren’t caught: rob that bank again but in a different way.
Books written by criminals pass through several filters: a journalist or a writer edits them and a lawyer looks through a magnifying glass so that the material does not engage in glorification of the crime or be a moral damage for the victims of the thefts.
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Another of the thieves of the century, Ruben Alberto de la Torre, came to promote his own project, foreign to the rest of the group. This is the story of a band he joined in the 80s.
And he also starred in two chapters of a Rooster for Aesculapiusthe award-winning and successful series directed by Bruno Stagnaro and produced by Sebastien Ortega. In addition, De la Torre – the first to enter the bank, disguised as a doctor – filmed a scene with Juliet Ortega.
“I have several audiovisual projects. I really haven’t seen all that has been done about my dad, with a lot of lies. With my mother, we wrote our version of the story. My idea is also to venture into fiction,” he says. GlobeLiveMedia Sebastian Marroquinthe son of Pablo Escobar Gaviria, the so-called Patrón del Mal. Marroquín (he changed his identity when he went into exile with his mother and sister in Argentina), is the author of two documentaries. One of them, sins of my fatherhas received several accolades.

How much do thieves or murderers earn by getting involved in such a project? It depends on the case and the tenor of the production company who buys the rights to the book (if there is a book) or offers a percentage of the collection of the film or pays an advance to the protagonist.
“It is clear that I’ll make less money from movies and books than from flying, but I no longer do the chore. I’m old and my wife is killing me,” Valor says. Being invited to the premiere of the angela film seen by more than 1,300,000 viewers, motivated him to write his story.
Juan Manuel Zalloechevarriaformer thief and filmmaker, produced and wrote the story of Take Murano with the son of the infamous poisoner of Montserrat, Martin Murano. The scenario is there and there is interest in filming it.

The triple fugue interested two producers. The fact accomplished by the brothers Martin and Cristian Lanatta and Victor Schillacci It would be, according to the cinephile vision, a kind of road movie: this escape by the roads of Buenos Aires and Santa Fe, between shootouts with police and gendarmes, this strange escape from Alvear prison and the shadow of the triple crime of ephedrine.
The story seems to have been created by Quentin Tarantino, but it was real and it happened in Argentina.
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