The CNDH has given the green light to AMLO’s Plan B (EFE/ José Pazos)

He Plan B was approved at the Union Congressit must therefore now be published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DDL) as a whole. Given this and with the proximity of the march in favor of the National Electoral Institute (INE) and criticism of reforms from various sectors, the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) came back to take a stand on this.

Well, through their social media, the Commission shared a lengthy posting in which they assured that Plan B did not affect the functioning of the INE and with the modifications made to the six secondary laws, instead, “seeks to adapt it to the new times”.

This position on the subject has been justified by the Commission, arguing that it should be analyzed to see whether the recently approved measures “have or may have a relationship or an impact with human rights”, in particular, insofar as democracy is guaranteed.

“Desde la óptica de esta Comisión (…) the existence of an organism that funja como árbitro electoral imparcial, austere, transparent, eficaz y honesto, es base de una auténtica democarcia, misma que es imperioda para el pleno ejerecicio de all los human rights”

And before the public debate that was led by Plan B, they assured that will affect autonomy because they have not noticed that the functions constitutionally assigned to him have been diminished, reduced or deprived, nor any regulation that prevents their work.

Instead, it’s just a restructuring of the organs of the Institutewhich would not affect the independence of the decisions taken by the INE.

Whereas in view of a probable attack on the efficiency of the electorate, the Commission chaired by Rosario Piedra Ibarradetermined that they were not an abstract violation of the constitution since it does not determine the organization of the Institute.

On the other hand, if de facto problems have been caused to the institute with the reforms, he assured that this could be updated. Finally, he determined that they did not notice that the series of reforms threatened the Institute, for that reason he disqualified the critics, assuring that they were mere speculations.

“In conclusion, the draft decree does not propose irrational changes that threaten the Constitution or the political rights of citizens. There is no notice of a situation arising from the content of the approved standards that makes it necessary to assume that the proper exercise of electoral functions will be compromised.

Supposedly official documents contained data alluding to the money they will receive when they leave their posts in the INE.  (ROGELIO MORALES / DARK ROOM)
Supposedly official documents contained data alluding to the money they will receive when they leave their posts in the INE. (ROGELIO MORALES / DARK ROOM)

After exposing the above, the body devoted a final part to demeriting the Institute, ensuring that historically served to maintain vices which have tainted the country’s electoral processes, including at the present time, since he mentioned that his positions left his neutrality in doubt

On the other hand, they assured that the INE has set aside the principle of austerity, being characterized “by thebus in the use of public expenditureestablishing itself as one of the most cherished organizations of this nature in the world”.

“With the reform, it seeks to reduce the excessive bureaucratization of the INE, since it is known that it has a structure that allows the duplication of functions, it even has areas that for a prolonged period (sic.) are inactive, but continue to represent a cost for the coffers of the State “

It must be remembered that one of the reasons why the reform was presented was precisely because of the salaries of the directors of the INE and the indications of the president of the alleged excessive spending within the electorate.

These expenses, assured the CNDH, make the application of Plan B “urgentso that there is “the change that truly guarantees authentic electoral processes in Mexico, in compliance with the principle of austerity; which could be achieved with the approval of the draft decree”.

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