With Resolution 20233040005155 of 2023, the Department of Transportation amended Resolution 1080 of 2019, in order to offer greater guarantees to users of motorcyclists when accessing safety features such as using a helmet.

Starting with 2023 Resolution 20233040005155, the National Transportation Entity has requested that the country’s commercial helmet industry provide products from this range that comply with the rules of the 1958 United Nations Agreement.
With the technical transformations of evaluation of the quality of the product, which allow the marketing and the use of these elements of individual protection, led to these go through more rigorous testing to comply with certain safety requirements.
According to official data from the National Road Safety Agency motorcycle users (driver and passenger) It is the road actor with the highest number of road accidents. So far in 2023, 371 cases of accidents involving a motorcycle have been reported.
Considering this, Guillermo Francisco Reyes González, Minister of Transport, explained that the The protection of motorcyclists in the country is a priority for the government. “Updating the technical regulations is one more step to ensure that the death figures for motorcyclists on the roads start to fall,” added the portfolio manager.
It should be noted that this change in resolution does not force motorcycle users to immediately change their helmet, but with it they seek to generate a transition of these elements so that when buying a helmet, this is supported by recent regulations.
What it does is delete barriers to marketing in the country these personal protection elements with the latest updates, since current regulations limit this access to users,” Reyes added.
It is relevant to note that in Colombia the sale of helmets is subject to Resolution 1080 of 2019, which establishes that these safety elements (helmets) They must comply with Regulation 22 of the United Nations 05 Amendments.
These regulations have been reviewed and updated by the international organization, which has allowed Europe requests amendment series number 06.
Thanks to the technical update in Colombia, this will make it possible to accept compliance with the series of amendments number 06 in the country.
From there and with the resolution 20233040005155 of 2023, motorcycle riders will be able to find and access the helmet market certified according to regulatory safety standard R22.06 and its subsequent versions: R22.05.
Likewise, the national government seeks with this resolution to alleviate the obstacles and restrictions to trade, which will encourage competition and that benefits consumers with products that ensure their safety and that of their companions.
The Ministry stressed that with this resolution, Colombia will accept helmets that meet the requirements and tests established in regulation R22.05 or higher versions of it (currently R22.06).
Finally, the national transport entity added that helmets that comply with the regulations in force must include on their label, as well as the information required in article 6 of resolution 1080 of 2019. “Minimum labeling requirements” a clear indication that the holster does not offer chin protection (in the corresponding holster depending on the model or dimensions of the product).
With this, the consumer will be able to have clear information on the safety specifications of the product and thus, make the best decision when purchasing the helmet of their choice.