Within hours of the “largest elections in Mexico” already a couple of days from the visit of the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, the Capital Zocalo looked closed and guarded by elements of the Secretariat for Citizen Security (SSC), which aroused suspicions among citizens.

Fear does not ride on a donkey, but it does on Claudia Sheinbaum and AMLO, that without explanation have closed the entrances to the Zócalo of Mexico City on the eve of Sunday’s elections, ”said UNAM economist Guillermo Barba on social media.

“What mad is the president going to do, who has already closed the zócalo so that no one can demonstrate?”, “Hey, to be the most popular president he has a shitty fear. Not? Armored Suburban, speeches in barracks without an audience, and now … the Zócalo closed[sic]”Said other Twitter users.

And it is that this Friday, June 4, the 20 de Noviembre, Pino Suárez, 5 de Mayo and Tacuba streets that lead to the Zócalo were blocked with fences and placed under police protection.

Despite the theories of some netizens, the Secretary of the Government of Mexico City, José Alfonso Suárez del Real y Aguilera, assured that the closure is due to a remodeling and that the pedestrian crossing is allowed.

The Zócalo is open for pedestriansl. The truth is that a remodeling is being carried out and circulation was closed to avoid accidents, “said the official in an interview with journalist Azucena Uresti in Formula Radio.

He also noted that improvements are being made to the surrounding areas for the next visit of the US vice president.

“All of the improvements are prior to the arrival of Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States to the National Palace ”, he explained.

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.

He said that security and fences in the area depend on the safety of Kamala Harris and her sight of President López Obrador. In this way, all versions of netizens who point out that it is a security reason for the elections that will be held in the 32 entities of the country this June 6 would be discarded.

It should be remembered that the democrat’s attendance at the National Palace will be one day after the voting in the country has ended.

Coming from Guatemala, he will arrive on Monday night to meet with President López Obrador, This was announced this morning by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón.

Kamala Harris will visit Mexico and will be received by President López Obrador (Photo: REUTERS / Henry Romero)

Kamala Harris will visit Mexico and will be received by President López Obrador.

“It is confirmed that the vice president arrives on Monday night, already late, from Guatemala, she will be here on Tuesday, on Tuesday afternoon she leaves for the United States. The core part of the agenda that we have agreed is a meeting here in National Palace of the Vice President of the United States and her entourage, first they will have a dialogue with the President of the Republic, and then we will have a meeting of approximately an hour and a quarter, an hour and a half of both delegations, ”said the foreign minister.

He commented that the central topic of the agenda that will be touched on during the meeting is to agree to accelerate the growth of social welfare investment in southern Mexico, in addition to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, so that migration is optional and not forced by poverty and insecurity.

“That is the main issue that we are going to have, although other issues will probably be touched upon if the President deems it appropriate.”

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