Dozens of armed civilians surrounded the facilities of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico (FGJEM) at the headquarters of Sultepecwhere they opened fire on the staff of the place leaving two police officers injured.
According to preliminary reports, more than 20 manned vehicles with subjects carrying firearms They arrived at the ministerial facilities, although the authorities ruled out that the injuries put the lives of the members of the Ministry of Public Security at risk.
The @FiscaliaEdomex reports that tonight there was an attack on the facilities of this institution located in #Sultepec. The balance of this aggression was 2 injured members of the @SS_Edomex who are out of danger
In audios that have circulated about these events, elements of the corporation requested support in reinforcementas well as ambulances. Other videos shared on social networks accounted for roadblocks with burning trucks to prevent the arrival of more security elements.