Enrique Bonilla Ruizone of the users who was traveling in the Metro Line 12 when it collapsed on the night of May 3, 2021, got an injunction because, since the tragedy, he has not received the medical care he needed.

Due to the collapse of the beams that supported the structure between the stations olives there Tezonzoseveral of the people traveling on the same train fell on Bonilla Ruiz, which caused a serious injury to his left leg and, in the long run, took away his mobility.
Due to the severity of this condition, which is permanent, the health authorities had a duty to provide him with comprehensive medical attention, including the participation of specialists in orthopedics and psychology, because in addition to physical damage, it was necessary to deal with possible emotional repercussions. However, this did not happen.
According to information from Carry legal shipmentwho legally represents Bonilla Ruiz, the medical unit in charge of treating the victim was the Balbuena General Hospital. However, there “he received only a painkiller for the pain”.

Due to the injury and loss of mobility in his left leg, Enrique Bonilla lost his job, according to his lawyers.
For this reason, and in consideration of the permanent discapacidad that ahora tiene Bonilla Ruiz, el Juez Segundo de Distrito de Amparo en Materia Administrativa, Germán Cruz Silva, the otorgó un amparo debido a que existent datos suficientes para señalar que la Secretaría de Salud de mexico city violated your constitutional right to health care for almost two years.
In this sense, the judge determined that the health authority of the capital had been negligent and deficient in the treatment of Enrique Bonilla, since the attention “simply palliativedidn’t fit his needs or the scale of the event he was involved in.
According to the statements of Teofilo BenitezBonilla’s defense attorney, the user had not even been included in the files of the Executive Commission for the Attention of Victims (Cavie) from CDMX. It is for this reason that he had to take federal justice to protect himself against the omissions of Claudia Sheinbaum’s government.
“Two years have passed and it took the federal judicial authority to compel local authorities in Mexico City to grant them their human right to health, but we are getting justice,” the lawyer said, according to information from Process.
The decision of the judge who protected Bonilla Ruiz set a precedent for government health facilities, in this case, to provide adequate and sufficient services to citizens.
“With this, the Ministry of Health is obliged to give support to Mr. Enrique, this support which is justice, because he has lost the mobility of his left leg and with it his jobs (…) which follows is to get them to give him the proper care for your speedy recovery, because it was negligence not to take care of itHe was not even considered a victim by Ceavi,” added Teófilo Benítez.
The protection granted provides that the victim has access to laboratory studies, x-rays, magnetic resonances, treatments, surgical interventions, rehabilitation sessions and physical and psychological therapies. timely and free of charge.
In addition to the above, the medical care that Bonilla should receive free of charge includes the provision of medication, prosthesis and hospitalization. This, with the aim that she can recover, at least partially, the mobility she lost due to the collapse of line 12.