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Being Messi’s cousin is not just anything. It has many advantages, but also some drawbacks. Comparisons can be annoying, butyer in the comparisons the modest cousin came out winning over the famous cousin. Both played a lot, in two very different situations. Leo, in the final of the Spanish Super Cup, and his cousin, Emanuel Biancucchi, 32, in the vital game of his team, Vila Nova, in his aspirations to ascend to the Serie B of the Brazilian championship, goal you achieved thanks to the goal he scored in the 77th minute. The draw did not serve him, so they played it with Messi’s cousin. And it worked.

Biancucchi, who plays as an organizing midfielder, did not appear in the starting eleven. He came out onto the pitch with just over a quarter of an hour to go to the end of the match against Ituano. At four minutes he saw the yellow for a hard tackle, two minutes later he scored the winning and promotion goal. To celebrate, he took off his shirt and saw the second yellow and the red. Like his cousin in the final of the Super Cup against Athletic.

It was six minutes on the field in which Messi’s cousin experienced a carousel of emotions. Although Biancucchi ended up being expelled, like his cousin in the Spanish Super Cup against Athletic, the result was very different because he, despite the red card, ended up being the hero of the match. “I don’t even know what I feel,” he said.

Biancucchi had previously played for Bahia, Vasco da Gama and Ceara from Brazil. In 2019, he signed with Newell’s, but had no continuity.

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