A new case of abuse of women was registered on the afternoon of February 21, 2023 in the city of Bucaramanga. A security camera recorded the moment a man on a motorbike, accompanied by a woman, throws her into the street, drags her and they have an exchange of words, which, as captured, allegedly happened in a state of intoxication.

They assassinate the driver of a motorcycle taxi for refusing to perform a race in Santander
The victim was stabbed in broad daylight, in the main park of Floridablanca
At first, the recording shows how the woman tries to stabilize herself on the motorcycle by clinging to a pole where the driver has stopped to argue with her. However, he accelerates his vehicle and the young woman falls, not only because of the momentum, but also because of her advanced state of alcoholism.
After the fall of the woman, he comes back, raises her brutally, and the young woman falls again. Afterwards, subject mounts her on the front of the motorcycle, again accelerating a few feet until he realizes that the feet of the presumed partner are hurt by the speed with which they are dragged on the asphalt. .

Tomás Ángel is always sweet with the goal, he scored the first for Atlético Nacional against Bucaramanga
The 19-year-old striker has just scored a Super League brace against Deportivo Pereira
Seconds later, in the video broadcast by the media Tro Chain, the couple are seen trying to reconcile, but the moment comes when they are arguing again and the woman is trying to get the keys to the motorbike, to which the subject responds by pushing her with his hard hat .

Finally, in the recording we see the woman insisting on removing the keys from the motorcycle, there she is standing in front of her and it is at this moment that the subject accelerates and carries her on the handlebars for a few meters. From what we can see in the last minutes of the clip, the couple continue to argue without reaching an agreement.

Massacre in El Cerrito, Valle del Cauca, left three dead
The victims have been identified as Cristian Martínez, 25, Jessica Hernández, 24, and Andrés Ulcué, 25.
In fact, we know that it took place in the depressed area which is between the neighborhood Outings and Balconitos from the capital of the department of Santander. For now, local authorities have not officially spoken about the worrying act of violence which would add to a long list so far in 2023.
A new feminicide in Bogotá This shocked the community. Town and country never cease to be amazed by the DJ affair Valentina Trespalacios and there is already a new act of violence that ends the life of another woman. The events occurred in the city of Belowin the northwest of the country’s capital, on the night of Tuesday, February 14, 2023.
Quadrant 31 of CAI Rincón received an emergency call that alerted to what happened inside a house in that town. According to what is known so far, a man killed his ex-partner and then committed suicide.

National media, including the newspaper El Tiempo, reported that the victim was identified as Yuli Paola Acero Zuluaga 23 years. Apparently, subject shot him with a gun, causing injuries to his head and abdomen.
When authorities arrived at the scene, the woman was lying on the floor inside the house where she was apparently living with her only two-year-old daughter, who also witnessed her mother’s crime.
On the other side was the attacker, a man of around 25, who was lying in the middle of a public road a few meters in front of the house where Yuli Paola was murdered. Apparently, after killing his wife, subject left the house and shot himself a few feet in front of him. The firearm used was very close to the body.