Globe Live Media, Sunday, January 31, 2021
Yesterday Makoke had a most complicated afternoon on the Viva la vida set and not because she had to face all the insinuations that Kiko Matamoros made on the set of ‘Saturday Deluxe’ two weeks ago, but because she claimed to feel very alone between his companions. And the truth is that what was seen from the spectators’ house was a woman who lacked the support and warmth of her companions.
When he left the Mediaset facilities, his face reflected fatigue, but above all sadness. It seems that she is not having a good time, since the collaborator has always shown a smile from ear to ear to the cameras … but the confrontation she has with her ex-husband is leaving her without strength and more feeling that she is alone in the program where he has been collaborating for several years.
When he was leaving Telecinco we have thrown him several questions, but Makoke has preferred to remain silent and not make any statement. And it is that despite the sweet moment she is living with the pregnancy of her daughter-in-law’s partner, who a few days ago revealed that it would be a boy, it seems that the collaborator cannot forget the damage that Kiko is doing to her.
And if there is something that he has wanted to make clear in his program, it is that the words of Kiko Matamoros are a defamation campaign that he does not understand and that they are doing him a lot of damage because they seriously damage his public image.