Chamber I of the National Chamber of Labor Appeals ruled in favor of Luis Barrionuevogeneral secretary at the national level of the gastronomy union, in his fight with his ex-brother-in-law Dante Camano, head of the union’s Buenos Aires branch.
The court decision signed today puts an end to the litigation started in December 2021 between Barrionuevo and his ex-brother-in-law for the control of the capital section of the Union of Tourism, Hotel and Gastronomy Workers of the Argentine Republic (UTHGRA), the trade union that brings together workers in the gastronomy in Argentina. The failure of the Chamber of Labor ratifies one of first instance in which the intervention in the section of the capital by Barrionuevo and the cancellation of the 2021 elections.
The fight between Barrionuevo and Camaño dates back to 2021 when elections were called in December to choose authorities for the Buenos Aires section and the slate of Dante Camaño, Barrionuevo’s ex-brother-in-law, won. Camaño is the brother of the National Deputy Graciela Camano, who has been Barrionuevo’s partner for decades.
These elections within the Union Gastronomique de la Capitale, the reason for the controversy, were held on December 2, 2021 throughout the country. Barrionuevo was re-elected in the federation at national level, while In the branch of Buenos Aires, the vote ended in a scandal: the two lists accused each other of having maneuvered to win and of having won barrabravas at the union’s headquarters in Salta at 1:00 p.m.
Even so, the elections began normally, and the Barrionuevismo-dominated Electoral Council suspended them because Camaño’s ruling party did not approve the entry of Blue List prosecutors to control the vote. However, Camaño continues the elections and announces the victory of his list, the Grays.
Barrionuevo had gone to court to challenge the election. In a trial judgment the intervention of the sectional was dictated. However, the decision was appealed by Juan Castro, a Gray List representative whom Camaño supports. Faced with this appeal, Chamber I of the National Chamber of Labor Appeals decided to “dismiss the appeal lodged and confirm the sentence challenged in all its parts”. The judges’ vote was split. House members Enrique Catani and Gabriela Vázquez signed the majority vote. Meanwhile, Judge María Cecilia Hockl was left in the minority. The judges considered, among other facts, the inability of prosecutors to monitor elections as one of the reasons to confirm the cancellation of the elections.
Thus, Justice once again confirmed the nullity of the elections and the intervention arranged by the New Quarter was firm. Luis Barrionuevo, consulted by GlobeLiveMedia, declined to make statements on the decision of Chamber I of the Labor Chamber.
However, as the Court’s decision was not well known, the UTHGRA issued a statement stating: “This decision puts an end to the illegitimate and absurd claim of continuity of those cited (La Liste Grise) in the representation of the workers of the gastronomic hotel industry of the city of Buenos Aires, and determines its absolute illegality in the representation and occupation of the registered office, of the goods and of the patrimony of the same which are the pure and exclusive property of the national UTHGRA”.
And for this reason they affirmed: “That in light of this, and firm that the decision that has gone through the double constitutional instance is found, reaffirming the correct behavior of the Entity and its Central Electoral Council, We urge illegitimate occupants of our headquarters and its assets to get to its urgent restitution to his royal authoritiesrepresented by our National Board of Directors and by the Auditor Miguel Ángel Ceferino Haslop”.
“We therefore urge that, with due respect to our judicial authorities, given the final decision rendered, those who mistakenly made this preposterous allegation comply with it and abandon their attitude, avoiding recourse to the obligation to comply by the competent judicial authority,” the statement concludes.
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