The federal government has not considered pensioners in the energy price flat rate. This drew loud criticism. But with a simple trick, pensioners can also secure the 300 euros.

Berlin/Munich – Employees subject to income tax are expected to receive a so-called energy price flat rate in September . As part of an energy relief package , the federal government decided that everyone who also pays income tax should receive 300 euros. The bonus is to be paid out via the salary and is also taxed accordingly.

Flat-rate energy price: Normally, pensioners go away empty-handed

But as great as that sounds – the proposal to pay extra is highly controversial. Because most pensioners are not subject to tax and get nothing from the plans for the energy price flat rate.

But there is a trick how retirees can also secure the energy flat rate. It’s actually quite simple: Affected pensioners only have to work one day in 2022, for example as a mini-jobber. The CDU finance expert Antje Tillmann explains the trick works: “It is sufficient, for example, for a pensioner to look after their grandchild for an hour in 2022 and receive a minimum wage of 12 euros from their children as part of a mini job or from self-employment. He then states this income in his tax return and receives the flat-rate energy price payment in May 2023.”

Pension: Mini job as the key to the energy flat rate

So if you were registered with the Minijob-Zentrale for a 450-euro job despite your pension or declared “self-employed work” in your tax return, you will also receive the 300 euros. Even the Ministry of Finance confirms that retirees can also get the money in this way. “The prerequisite for the tax recognition of an employment relationship between relatives is in any case that it is seriously agreed and actually carried out in accordance with the agreement,” says the statement to Bild .

It is therefore important that it can be proven that the “salary” was actually paid out. It is best to pay by bank transfer, so that a bank statement can be presented. This also applies if you only looked after the grandchildren and this was paid for as a mini job.

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