This Wednesday, May 25, Geek Pride Day is celebrated, a date dedicated to all fans of what is considered “out of the ordinary”.
“Live long and prosper” is one of the phrases that characterizes Dr. Spock, a popular character from the “Star trek” series , which brings together a legion of fans, as well as being a worldwide phenomenon of pop culture. The name of this production does not go unnoticed every May 25, a special date on which Geek Pride Day is celebrated in several Latin American and European countries.
The main purpose of this celebration is to encourage and celebrate these groups with unusual interests that make them special. It should be noted that thanks to social networks, such as Twitter, YouTube and Tiktok, you can connect with these ‘fandoms’ in order to exchange information and/or collectible products.
One of the most important conventions for fans is called Comic-Con, where communities meet and artists make their appearances to interact with them, as well as to inform about new series or movies.
Also known as Geek Pride Day , it is celebrated on May 25 because it marks the anniversary of the premiere of “Star Wars” (Star Wars: A New Hope) in 1977.
As a curious fact, the date was also chosen by the followers of the writer Douglas Adams, author of the saga “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” . To pay tribute to him, they decided to title it as Towel Day. This curious name was selected because the creator presented some of his characters with this element on their shoulders.
According to what is expressed in the Dictionary of the Spanish Language , the term “geek” has three registered definitions, which are:
1. adj. colloq. Quirky, weird or eccentric.
2. m. and f. colloq. Colorful and extravagant person.
3. m. and f. colloq. Person who excessively and obsessively practices a hobby.
This word has been associated with those who are considered “different” because of their tastes and interests. “Friki” is an adaptation of “Freaky”, which in English means “strange”. Over the years, it was taken over by the community of fans who enjoy comics, video games, anime, and other topics that highlight their fandom. Obviously, the main references are the ‘fandoms’ of “Harry Potter”, DC Comics, Marvel, “Star trek” and “Star wars”.
If we talk about anime and manga, we can mention that his army of fans is concentrated thanks to “One Piece”, “Pokémon”, “Shingeki no kyojin”, “Naruto”, “Dragon ball”, among others.
For many years there have been conventions, parties and community meetings to celebrate this day. Despite the time, the Arenales Shopping Center is still the meeting place for fans, who can enjoy the products offered by collectors and vendors.
To join the celebrations, we recommend a list of series and movies that you can watch on Geek Pride Day 2022.
-Star Wars Saga
– The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
– Interstellar
-THX 1138
– Sector 9
– The endless story
– Back to the Future Trilogy
– Jurassic Park
– Studio Ghibli Selection
– Ghostbusters
-Star Trek Saga
– Sin City
– Alien Saga
-Indiana Jones Saga
– Planet of the Apes
– The fifth element
– The iron Giant
– X-Men Saga
– The Chronicles of Narnia Saga
– Kick Ass