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This is the first heat wave of 2021

The heat wave does not give truce in the metropolitan region of Buenos Aires. Despite the fact that the Meteorological Service reported that the temperature will drop a little at night due to the probability of rain and the entry of cooler air, marks will not drop significantly for the remainder of the week.

This Tuesday, the weather will appear with a somewhat cloudy sky in the morning and a probability of isolated storms in the afternoon and night, and an estimated temperature of 24 degrees of minimum and 32 maximum.

“Possibly there will be a slight drop in temperature in the Federal Capital after Wednesday, but it will continue to be hot, we will have maximum temperatures around 30 degrees and minimum temperatures that are still elevated above 20 degrees”, clarified from the SMN.

There will be a slight drop in temperature tonight and the weather would remain unstable until the weekend

There will be a slight drop in temperature tonight and the weather would remain unstable until the weekend 

This means that at night it will not cool, (the temperatures) will continue to be heavy. The fact that the temperature does not drop during the night means that the body does not rest very well and that it continues to keep warm and this can have effects ”, they warned.

Due to the high temperatures, the orange alert remains in the area, said the meteorological agency, while adding that the winds will be from the southwest rotating to the northeast.

For tomorrowMeanwhile, the SMN foresees a day with mostly cloudy skies in the morning and then with isolated storms, winds from the northeast sector rotating to the east and a temperature that will remain between 24 and 32 degrees

Mostly cloudy skies are forecast on Thursday, with isolated thunderstorms during the afternoon and evening, winds from the east sector and a decreasing temperature, which will have a minimum of 22 degrees and a maximum of 30.

Weather conditions on Friday will be similar and the rains would extend throughout the weekend, with a maximum of 25 degrees for Saturday and 24 degrees for Sunday.

As a result of the high temperatures, which today will reach 32 degrees, the orange alert remains (Maximiliano Luna)

As a result of the high temperatures, which today will reach 32 degrees, the orange alert remains (Maximiliano Luna) 

The central and northern areas of the country and northern Patagonia also continue to experience a heat wave, which has already been going on for eight days in various locations, and there is “a greater probability of having temperatures above normal” for the coming months.

“It is normal to have one heat wave per summer insurance, sometimes there are two or three. In this case, we are going through this heat wave in southern Mendoza, La Pampa, central and northern Patagonia, Buenos Aires province and southern Santa Fe ”, a specialist from the SMN told Télam.

“In the south of Mendoza, North Patagonian and the center of the province of Buenos Aires is where they have had the most heat wave days, since there have been eight, while in Capital Federal today is the fifth day of the first heat wave of the year”, He added.

The heat wave, as explained by the professional, has a minimum of three days and from there it extends, and considers the maximum and minimum temperatures, which also have to be above the threshold.

Heat waves are more intense and occur more frequently due to climate change, they clarified from the SMN.

Heat waves are more intense and occur more frequently due to climate change, clarified from the National Meteorological Service. (Maximiliano Luna)

Heat waves are more intense and occur more frequently due to climate change, clarified from the National Meteorological Service. (Maximiliano Luna) 

“Heat waves are a natural phenomenon, that is, they originated before there was climate change. What climate change does is favor these heat waves to be more recurrent but at the same time more intense. Because we start from a base temperature of the planet that is rising ”, they asserted.

From the heat wave, the Ministry of Health of the Nation issued a series of recommendations to take care of the skin, “avoid heat stroke, dehydration and other health problems” these days of high temperatures.

On its website, the portfolio warns that in the event of a heat wave such as the one that the CABA is going through, the center and north of the country, it is necessary to prevent heat stroke and heat exhaustion, which are disorders caused by the increase in the body temperature as a consequence of prolonged exposure to high temperatures and humidity or intense physical exertion (exercises) in these contexts.

The population groups most vulnerable to heat stroke are those under five years of age and even more so those under one year of age and the elderly, people with chronic diseases (heart, kidney, mental or neurological and others), with fever or diarrhea due to another cause, those with obesity or malnutrition and those with sunburned skin.

To avoid dehydration, it is important to take care of your diet, consume safe water and natural juices throughout the day (Maximiliano Luna)

To avoid dehydration, it is important to take care of your diet, consume safe water and natural juices throughout the day (Maximiliano Luna) 

To avoid these pictures it is important take care of hydration and nutrition, consume safe water and natural juices throughout the day; do not drink caffeinated or high-sugar beverages (such as regular soda), very cold or hot; prefer fresh and light foods to heavy ones; reduce physical activity; cover your head with a hat or scarf when going out and bring water to stay hydrated.

It is also recommended not to consume alcohol; stay in ventilated and cool places; wear loose, light cotton clothing and light colors; do not expose yourself to direct sun between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon; drink plenty of water before, during and after exercising.

In its forecast for the next few months, the SMN warned that “there is a greater probability of having temperatures above normal” for the next few months.

“In the quarterly climate forecast, which is the trend for the next quarter, which was updated at the beginning of January for the months of January, February and March, it showed that throughout the central area of ​​Argentina there is a greater probability of having temperatures above the normal ones ”.

“The trend of high temperatures will continue in the coming months, but it must be taken into account that the beginning of January was cold in general lines in the country”, They concluded.

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