Exports from eleven regions of the interior of Peru registered record values in 2022, according to the latest monthly report on regional trade, prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur).
Peruvian blueberry exports would increase by 30% in the 2022-2023 campaign
The exported value of blueberries would reach almost 1,400 million USD, 12% more than in the 2021-22 campaign (1,242 million USD), estimated the Economics Department of Scotiabank.
These regions were Ica, Arequipa, Cusco, La Libertad, Piura, Moquegua, Lambayeque, Loreto, San Martín, Ucayali and Amazonas, which totaled exports of goods for over $29 billion in 2022, 14% more than in 2021.
“We must emphasize the contribution of agricultural exports to the development of the regions. 83% of agricultural exports, which in 2022 exceeded USD 9.8 billion, corresponded to the interior regions of the country,” said Luis Fernando Helguero, head of Slimming.
Cajamarca Carnival allowed artisans to earn S/100,000 through tourism and trade
Cajamarca has demonstrated that tourism and trade are a great door for development and that this party has left them with important income that has helped reactivate the economy of the region.
In the jungle and in the sierra, the coffee shipments they increased by 61.5% and 53.6% respectively to reach 1,234 million USD; while, on the coast, the blueberry sales and grapes rose 15.8% and 9.1% respectively, jointly topping $2.6 billion.
In this line, it should be noted that 2022 ended with more than 3,700 operation of export companies inside the country, Piura being the region with the highest number concentrating a total of 634.
In northern Peru, three regions held historic export records, mainly due to increased sales of non-traditional products. Freedom, Piura and Lambayeque totaled USD 4,313 million (+11.2%), USD 3,430 million (+16%) and USD 890 million (+4%) respectively.
Personal finances: follow these tips to avoid “ant expenses” this summer
Buying a soda on the way to work or an ice cream on the beach may seem like an almost imperceptible expense, but when you add it up, it’s a considerable sum in the month. For these unnecessary expenses, you must prioritize your outings and plan them. Here are some recommendations.
The first exceeded the target due to a sales of non-metallic minerals such as anthracite (195.1 million USD) and agro-industrial products like him blueberry, which totaled 741.9 million USD (+19.4%).
At Piura, shipments of calcium phosphate, which generated 500.8 million USD (+65%), and grapes, which reached 565.1 million USD (+16.6%). For his part, Lambayeque’s growth was due to an increase blueberry shipments which, at the end of 2022, amounted to 319.4 million USD (+18%).
In the south of the country, three regions recorded historic export records. Among them, Arequipa, the “white city”, whose exports increased by 12% compared to 2021, having generated $5,992.2 million, largely thanks to the sale of copper and gold exceeding US$3,695 million and US$1,207.1 million respectively.
The Cusco region, for its part, exceeded the record of 4,246.7 million dollars obtained in 2021. The international economic situation gave way to a rebound of natural gas sales, which totaled 3,166.2 million USD (+86%). Thus, in 2022, exports totaled USD 5,346.1 million, thus ranking in the top 4 regions of the interior which exported the most last year.
Moquegua achieved a growth of 24% (2,157.7 million USD) thanks to increased copper sales (+22%), after the entry of the Quellaveco mining project, property of the Anglo-American.
In the center of the country, Ica not only broke its historic record, but also positioned itself as the interior region with the highest participation in the national export (10%), registering exports of 6,175 million USD, a value 3% higher than that obtained in 2021.
In this region, agricultural exports amounted to approximately USD 1.6 billion (+6.5%), grape driven (635 million USD), the copper shipments was $1,067.3 million (+44%) and natural gas naphtha, USD 966.7 million (+15%).
Four of the five regions that make up the eastern Peru reached a record number. Loreto added $265 million (+393%); Saint-Martin, 261 million USD (+38%); Ucayali, 124 million USD (+40%); and Amazon, $67 million (+47%).
In Loreto, the sale of oil, which represents 92% of its total exports, increased by 586% and generated 244.8 million USD. The region also highlighted the increase in coffee shipmentswith 1.9 million USD (+276%), and heating oil, with 6.5 million USD (+36%).
San Martín, for its part, recorded an increase sale of palm oil and derivatives, totaling USD 135 million (+46%) and cocoa beans, which closed with USD 52.9 million (+35%).
Finally, the increase in sales of Amazonas and Ucayali is due to the increase in coffee shipmentswhich generated 64.3 million USD (+46%), and palm/palm kernel oil, which totaled 73.9 million USD (+49%), respectively.